Players continue to suggest ideas to make Deadlock competitive in Valorant
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  • 17:16, 22.01.2024

Players continue to suggest ideas to make Deadlock competitive in Valorant

Even after the recent buff to agent Deadlock's abilities, the Valorant community remains dissatisfied with her current state, as evidenced by her low pick rate. Players continue to propose ideas for improving the agent.

A Reddit user under the pseudonym joseph created a post asserting that Deadlock has become playable after the latest update but still doesn't rank among the top agents. He decided to gather feedback from the community on what further enhancements they believe are necessary for Deadlock to compete with other agents.

We've selected two of the best suggestions from the discussion. The first is to add an extra projectile for Gravenet (C), giving the agent more resources to restrain enemies after Barrier Mesh (E) is destroyed. Another proposal is for professional players to pick the agent, demonstrating to the community how to optimally interact with Deadlock.

The next patch, numbered 8.01, is scheduled for January 23rd. Currently, the full patch notes are unavailable, but it's unlikely that this or the upcoming update will include another buff for agent Deadlock.

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