"Need to convert experience into Kingdom Credits" - Valorant community appeals to Riot Games

"Need to convert experience into Kingdom Credits" - Valorant community appeals to Riot Games

On the information platform Reddit, players often share their creativity, various interesting moments, and bugs related to Valorant. But beyond that, the community also frequently suggests their own solutions to various problems, and recently one user proposed an interesting innovation.

In the largest community dedicated to Valorant, a user by the nickname Honeypacc shared his idea. He believes there is a problem with the excess experience left over after the battle pass and weekly tasks end, with 20-30 thousand experience points simply disappearing.

The author suggests an interesting idea. He thinks the game should add the possibility to convert experience into Kingdom Credits. In his view, not all the experience needs to be converted, just a portion, to create a sense that the experience does not go to waste.

It is currently unknown whether Riot representatives will respond to such a request. However, most discussion participants agreed with the author and believe that such a feature would be a nice gift for players who diligently complete weekly tasks.

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