Mobile version of Valorant to get replay mode before PC

Mobile version of Valorant to get replay mode before PC

A video has surfaced online showing a ready-to-go replay system for the mobile version of Valorant, which recently underwent a closed beta test in China. Meanwhile, the replay mode for the PC version is still in development.

Replay System on PC

Valorant players have been anticipating a replay system for PC since the game’s closed beta phase. However, more than four years have passed since the official release, and it’s only this year that developers have begun to share information about their progress. They’ve mentioned facing several challenges in implementing this feature. The last major update about its development was about six months ago, while the mobile version is advancing much faster.

Replay System in the Mobile Version

While PC players are still waiting for the replay mode, the mobile version, which is currently in closed beta testing in the Chinese region, already shows a fairly developed system even at this early testing stage. A demonstration video can be found below.


The mobile version of Valorant is progressing faster in terms of implementing new game modes and features, including the replay system, compared to the PC version. This progress raises even more questions from players, like "When will the replay system come to Valorant PC?" However, there is hope that, following its success in the mobile version, the replay system will make its way to PC soon.


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