Leviatán Demon1: “Riot Games, Valorant is dogshi* fix it instead of adding bundles every week”
Leviatán Demon1: “Riot Games, Valorant is dogshi* fix it instead of adding bundles every week”

Professional player Max "Demon1" Mazanov from Leviatan directed criticism at Valorant's developers, calling the game “dogshit” after encountering a bug that affected match results.

During a live ranked match in Valorant, Max "Demon1" Mazanov encountered an unpleasant bug. In a 2v2 situation, his teammate's character model froze, while Demon1 himself became invisible. His weapon started levitating, and after the match, he couldn’t hold back his frustration, posting a harsh message to the developers on his X profile:

Riot Games, your game is dogshit fix it instead of adding bundles every week
Max "Demon1" Mazanov

Although this bug didn’t prevent Demon1 and his teammate from winning the round, the issues persisted. In the following round, the agent model for Omen displayed incorrectly, while the agent Killjoy remained invisible to him, stuck in the same spot as in the previous round.

These situations, where high-profile players face disruptive bugs, harm the game’s reputation. Developers need to respond promptly to such issues and fix these errors, something they have yet to address.

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