08:25, 22.01.2024

After the end of the competitive season in 2023, the Turkish team Galakticos made radical changes to its Valorant roster, and now they have started to strengthen it again. Yesterday, it became known that the team has acquired a new coach, Mustafa "AegroN" Sarıoğlan, who is relatively unknown.
In their official Twitter account, the organization's representatives reported about the new addition to the Valorant coaching staff. Three days ago, Yiğit "yT" Özden, who was in the position of coach, left the team, and the organization quickly found a replacement. The team's official social media welcomed the new member with a rather modest greeting, without any wishes for the future.
Welcome to the team! Mustafa "AegroN" Sarıoğlan has joined our VALORANT coaching team. Good luck Mustafa.

Mustafa "AegroN" Sarıoğlan is a professional Turkish Valorant player. Throughout his career, he exclusively played as a player, but did not achieve significant success. Among his achievements, AegroN only managed to secure 3-4th place at last year's Return of The Titans - FIRE.
It is still unknown how Mustafa "AegroN" Sarıoğlan will perform in the role of a coach. His experience as a player was limited to tier-3 tournaments, so it's unclear how significant his contribution will be to the team's future. We will keep an eye on the Turkish team in the VALORANT Challengers 2024 Turkey: Birlik Split 1, which started yesterday.
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