CREST GAMING Zst has opened recruitment for professional Valorant players

CREST GAMING Zst has opened recruitment for professional Valorant players

The Japanese organization announced on November 29 that they will be seeking both aspiring and experienced players to participate in the team's YouTube channel dedicated to Valorant.

The project's essence lies in the fact that CREST GAMING Zst coaches, Egi and Nerufi, will provide successful candidates with a minimum of three months of coaching. Following this period, depending on their performance, candidates may have the opportunity to participate in the CREST GAMING Zst YouTube channel selection process. The entire process, from training to tryouts, will be recorded on video and shared on the organization's social media platforms.

The team has also outlined a brief list of requirements for prospective candidates. The main admission conditions include being 16 years of age or older, proficiency in Japanese communication, and achieving the highest rank, Radiant, in the game.

This year, CREST GAMING Zst is putting in all efforts to enhance its visibility, with the successes of their roster playing a significant role. Throughout the 2023 season, the club has demonstrated growing results and came close to qualifying for one of the most prestigious regional tournaments, the Asia Pacific Predator League 2024.

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