Are Valorant servers down? No problem - Jinggg shows how to still play the shooter from Riot Games
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  • 11:11, 20.06.2024

Are Valorant servers down? No problem - Jinggg shows how to still play the shooter from Riot Games

Over the last two days, there have been certain issues with Valorant servers, with players getting kicked out during matches or simply unable to access the shooter in various regions. While the developers were fixing these issues, professional player Wang "Jinggg" Jie continued to play Valorant, but on a different platform.

A user with the nickname singularstigma, who identifies as a fan of the professional player Jinggg, posted an interesting video on his Twitter account. It shows how his idol, despite server problems, plays Valorant on the Roblox platform.

In the video, Jinggg is seen playing the agent Jett, whom he also enjoys playing in regular Valorant. Although the gameplay in Roblox is radically different, the professional was still able to make several accurate kills. It's worth noting that this is not the first time Valorant has been ported to the Roblox platform. Enthusiasts often create separate maps taken directly from Valorant and transfer agents along with their abilities.

After two days, the Valorant servers were back up, so the esports athlete, like other players, returned to the regular game. But the memories of fun times will remain, and in case the shooter from Riot is unavailable again, more players will spend time in the alternative Valorant on Roblox.

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