Kanpeki joins together we are terrific to challenge NA Challengers
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  • 07:48, 10.03.2024

Kanpeki joins together we are terrific to challenge NA Challengers

On March 1st, Valorant welcomed a new American team, together we are terrific, to its ranks. The club immediately signed five main roster players, one substitute player, and a manager along with a coach. However, just two days later, one of the players bid farewell to the team. Today, from the team's Twitter profile, we learned about the new and final member of the roster, Eric "Kanpeki" Xu.

American player Eric "Kanpeki" Xu began his career in 2020. Team Underrated became his first refuge, but he didn't stay there for long. Moving from team to team, Eric ended up with the well-known Sentinels, for whom he participated in three stages of VCT 2022: North America Stage 2. However, the results were far from the best, after which the player was benched.

After that, Kanpeki received an invitation to join TSM, for whom he also performed poorly in the regional arena of VALORANT Challengers 2023: North America. The failure led the North American team to disband.

Having gone through all this difficult path, Eric "Kanpeki" Xu will once again compete in VALORANT Challengers 2024: North America Split 1, which kicks off on March 19.

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