15:43, 24.01.2024

On January 24, all participants for VALORANT Challengers Thailand 2024: Split 1, scheduled to take place from January 26 to March 10, were announced. Two additional teams joined the previously disclosed six teams that received direct invitations.
Following the conclusion of the open qualifiers, the teams under the tags "Barn nong chok" and "Valee Thai Esports" advanced to VALORANT Challengers 2024: Thailand Split 1 - Promotion. They faced each other and the invited club, The Infinity Esport. After a series of matches, The Infinity Esport secured the third-place spot and exited the competition, while the two winners moved closer to the seasonal tournament.

Thus, a complete list of teams has been formed, set to compete for the right to advance to the second split. Among the invited clubs, you can find XERXIA, FULL SENSE, Made in Thailand, Attack All Around, Sharper Esport, Team NKT, and the teams from the Promotion: Barn nong chok and Valee Thai Esports.
Whether the teams from the open qualifiers can put up a worthy resistance against these well-known regional clubs is something we will find out very soon.
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