Which Valorant map should be sent for rework and why?
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  • 09:54, 03.05.2024

Which Valorant map should be sent for rework and why?

The rotation of maps in the game Valorant is a constant occurrence, happening every time a new battlefield is introduced and more. A new map is released every six months, after which one or several of the old maps are removed from the active map pool and a new one is added or an old one is returned. In this article, we will closely examine which map should be sent for rework next and why.

Active Map Pool

Active Map Pool Valorant
Active Map Pool Valorant

As of the writing of this article, there are only seven maps in the active map pool of Valorant, although there are ten in total. Riot Games does not plan to change this concept any time soon, as this number perfectly suits the esports direction, and the ranked mode tries to be close to professional competitions. Not all players like this approach, but despite complaints, the developers do not respond to this situation, remaining true to their convictions.

The active map pool in Valorant is as follows:

  • Icebox
  • Ascent
  • Bind
  • Breeze
  • Lotus
  • Split
  • Sunset

The latest update in the map pool was the return of Icebox, which replaced the map Haven. Haven was first sent for rework back when Valorant was in its open beta phase. The newest map is Sunset, which players have been able to play on from patch 7.04 to the present day.

Which map should be removed and why?

Ascent map
Ascent map

This question is indeed contentious, as the answer can vary for everyone. Approaching this question logically, the map Ascent should be sent for rework. Since its addition to the game, it has not undergone any significant changes and has remained in the active pool. Despite the map’s stability and popularity among players, its removal from the map pool should be considered to increase diversity in the game. Over a long period, the map has become tiresome to many players and has become quite mundane compared to those currently under rework, not to mention the one that is expected to be released in the next major patch.

Bind map
Bind map

Another candidate for rework is the map Bind. Rumours about upcoming significant or minor changes to this map have been circulating online for a long time. The last time the map was removed from the active map pool was in patch 6.0, but its absence was not very lengthy, as it was returned in patch 6.08, and Icebox was removed instead.

Ideally, two maps would be removed for rework and one old map would be returned to the active map pool along with the addition of a new one, which is expected to be released very soon.

Everything we know about the new agent in Valorant
Everything we know about the new agent in Valorant   1

Which map should be returned and why?

Currently, only three maps are not in the active map pool: Fracture, Pearl, and Haven. The first two have been removed for quite some time, starting with patch 7.04, and they are not available in ranked matches.

If choosing only one option from these three maps, it would be best to return Fracture, as this map offers unique gameplay due to its division into two parts and the ability to move to the other side using ropes at the attackers’ base. This opinion is shared by professional players who complain about the lack of variety in the current map rotation and ask for the return of Fracture or Pearl, as they have significant differences from the maps where intense battles are currently taking place, both on the professional scene and in ordinary and ranked modes.

When will the next map rotation in Valorant occur?

Most likely, changes in the current map pool will only occur when Riot Games releases a new map. Currently, there is no information on how many maps will be replaced, and there are no official details on which map will be removed at the time of writing this article.

There is no release date for the new map yet, but it is expected to occur in the next major patch, which is ideally set for May. This patch will also feature a new collection of skins, a significant number of changes and balancing of current agents, and the introduction of a new map. There are no rumours or information about the new map.


The opinion regarding which map should be sent for rework can differ from player to player. However, our subjective opinion is that the maps Ascent and Bind should be reworked. But the fact that the active map pool in Valorant needs radical changes is an objective issue. Many professional players and fans of the Riot Games shooter complain that the current map pool is one of the worst and most monotonous in the history of the game.

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