Valorant Shop Reset Times & How to Get Favorite Skins
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Valorant Shop Reset Times & How to Get Favorite Skins

One of the key components of the game Valorant, both for the gaming community and its developers who profit from it, is the weapon skins. Skins from Riot Games attract players' attention with their uniqueness and exclusivity, allowing them not only to stand out among other game fans but also to make gameplay more diverse. However, to acquire the desired skin, it is essential to know the Valorant shop reset time and all its functionality. All this information can be found in our article.

The store in Valorant

The store in Valorant
The store in Valorant

In Valorant, the store is divided into two parts. Upon accessing the "store" tab, you will see that the upper part is filled with the current and latest set of skins, while the bottom has four random weapon skins selected by the game randomly from the entire skin assortment, excluding exclusive collections dedicated to world championships, the game's release in China, and other events. The daily shop reset automatically at a specific time daily.

Update time for the Valorant Store

As mentioned earlier, the store in Valorant is divided into two parts, and the first typically updates much less frequently than the second. Usually, the Valorant shop cycle is as follows: a new set of skins is available for purchase for the next two weeks (sometimes this period may be extended), after which Riot Games releases a new set that replaces the previous one.

However, exceptions exist, and sometimes two different sets can be on sale simultaneously. The correct date for a collection's sale end can be viewed in the game, in the upper left corner of the banner for the current set.

The update time for the daily store can also be checked directly in the game, as there is a timer above the skins counting down to the arrival of the new assortment. However, this information can also be obtained without entering the game, as it occurs daily at the same time. Valorant store reset times in different time zones (PST, CST, EST, BST) are listed below:

  • 5:00 PM PST
  • 7:00 PM CST
  • 8:00 PM EST
  • 10:00 AM BST

So, remember to check for the availability of the weapon skin in your daily assortment that you've been waiting for before this time. If you do not, it will disappear at the stated time above, and you will miss your chance.

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Can the Valorant Store Be Refreshed Manually?

Unfortunately, the game currently lacks the feature to refresh Valorant shop manually, and it is unlikely to appear in the near future since no one has raised this issue, and Riot Games has not announced any policy changes regarding the in-game skin store. Thus, players must play according to the current rules, like other users, and wait for the assortment to update automatically.

Can I Check the Daily Store Outside of Valorant?

Can I Check the Daily Store Outside of Valorant
Can I Check the Daily Store Outside of Valorant

Enthusiasts and fans of the shooter from Riot Games have developed a number of third-party applications to check Valorant daily shop for the presence of a desired skin outside the game. Such services are popular due to their variety: from websites to mobile apps. One of the most popular is Valorant Store Checker. However, remember that these are third-party user applications, so use them at your own risk and be responsible for your actions.

How to Purchase a Skin in Valorant?

How to Purchase a Skin in Valorant
How to Purchase a Skin in Valorant

We have prepared a detailed Valorant skin purchase guide, which will be useful for both newcomers and experienced players. In it, you can learn how to buy the desired skin and build your own collection that reflects your uniqueness and style.

  • The first step is to purchase Valorant Points. Before buying a weapon skin or an entire set, you need to purchase Valorant Points with real money. To do this, open the game and click on the VP icon located in the upper right corner of the screen, which is round with the Valorant logo in the middle. After that, select a convenient payment method and the desired amount of currency (the more, the more beneficial).
  • The second step is purchasing the skin. Choose the desired skin, click the "Purchase" button, and then confirm the payment. The specified amount will be deducted from your account, and the skin will be added to your collection.
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Pros and Cons of the Valorant Store

The system in place has both significant advantages and disadvantages, especially when compared to the main competitor of Riot Games' shooter, CS2, where players have the opportunity to purchase any desired skin for any weapon at any time.


  • The constant updating of the skin assortment in the Valorant store provides players with a steady stream of new sets. The Valorant store refresh schedule is straightforward: a new set is added approximately every two weeks, and the assortment is refreshed daily. This ensures players always have the opportunity to find something interesting for themselves.
  • Buyers derive more satisfaction from the purchasing process, as they have awaited the appearance of their desired skin in the store for a long time.
  • Developers encourage players to make larger transactions since players understand that the next opportunity to purchase a weapon skin may not come soon.


  • New players find it difficult to purchase the desired skin since many collections have been released since the game's launch, and only four are featured in the daily assortment, not all of which may meet a user's preferences.
  • Not all players can check Valorant daily shop updates daily to ensure their desired skin is available.
  • Once a set disappears from sale, only weapon skins appear in the store. It becomes impossible to purchase a charm, spray, or player card from the bundle.

These are the main pros and cons of the Valorant store, but each of us may have our own thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of such a system. Regardless of how we might praise or criticize this system, it's unlikely that Riot Games will change its policy based on community feedback.

Night Market - The Saviour of Your Collection

Night Market - The Saviour of Your Collection
Night Market - The Saviour of Your Collection

In Valorant, there's another way to acquire a skin or melee weapon, known as the Night Market. This event gives players a chance to purchase their desired skin with discounts of up to 53%. The exact Valorant Night Market timing is not fixed, typically appearing in the game every two months for about 20 days.

This is all we wanted to share with you regarding the store assortment updates and its functionality. We hope that by reading our material, you not only received this information but also answered questions like "How to find new skins in Valorant?" and "When does the Valorant store update?". We wish you success not only on the battlefield but also in the store, so you can quickly acquire the desired skins!

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