Valorant shotgun crosshair: how to change & how to make
Valorant shotgun crosshair: how to change & how to make

Shotguns are not the most popular weapons in Valorant, but they can come in handy in various situations. However, it's important to note that in order to use a shotgun effectively, you need to set up your crosshair correctly. So today, our team has prepared a guide where we'll explain how to change shotgun crosshair in Valorant.

Why create or change a crosshair?

Before we begin, let's talk about why you might want to change your crosshair for a shotgun. When you use rifles like the Vandal or Phantom, you can shoot effectively at close and medium ranges. But when you're using a shotgun, it only works well at close range. That's why the developers created specific crosshairs for shotguns, which by default look the same for all three shotguns in the game: Bucky, Shorty, and Judge. These crosshairs are large circles with a single dot in the center and no cross.


It's clear that using such a crosshair is, first of all, unusual, and secondly, ineffective at medium range. In these cases, it's better to use a modified valorant valorant shotgun crosshair, which we'll explain below.

How to change the default shotgun crosshair

To adjust the shotgun crosshair that Riot Games set by default, follow these simple steps. First, go to settings and find the Crosshair section. Then, go to the Primary subsection and find the option Override all primary crosshairs with my primary crosshair.


Once you activate this option, the shotgun crosshair will match the crosshair you use for other weapons. This way, you can comfortably practice using the Bucky and Judge shotguns without needing to get used to a new crosshair.

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How to create a shotgun crosshair?

In addition to changing the existing one, you can also learn how to make shotgun crosshair Valorant. It's easy to create, and you can do it in two ways.

Create a сrosshair in Valorant

The first method is more familiar to players, and it involves creating the crosshair directly in the game. In the Crosshair section, you can create any crosshair that suits your needs. You can also modify an existing one and adjust it to your preference.


Create a crosshair on our website

The second method allows you to create a crosshair directly on our website. In the Crosshairs section, you'll have access to full settings that let you create or adjust a crosshair without even entering the game, which is much quicker and easier. Additionally, here you can view crosshairs used by professional players to benefit from their knowledge and experience.


How to turn off shotgun crosshair in Valorant

Finally, let's talk about how to turn off shotgun crosshair Valorant. To do this, go to settings, open the Crosshair section, and find the option Disable Crosshair button. Once you disable this option, your crosshair will disappear completely.

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