The Valorant meta, like in any game with characters, constantly evolves. This is due to developers striving to maintain balance, regularly nerfing strong agents and buffing weaker ones. However, players often find it difficult to keep track of all these changes, as updates are released frequently, and at one point, your favorite agent who was once the strongest in their role might suddenly become one of the weakest. That's why today, the Bo3 editorial team has created an up-to-date Valorant agent tier list to help our readers stay informed about the current meta in Riot Games' shooter. Before we begin, it's worth noting that this material was created with the consultation of a player who reached the maximum rank of Immortal 387rr and was among the top 3000 players on the EU server.
Tier S

In Tier S, we have placed three agents who, in our opinion, are the strongest in the current meta. With mastery, they will help you quickly and efficiently climb the ranks and achieve new heights. In terms of strength, these agents are ranked as follows:
The latest agent, who appeared in Valorant only a few months ago. The novelty is probably the main reason Clove is currently considered one of the strongest agents, as developers usually release characters without being fully confident in their balance. Despite this, Clove remains one of the best agents in the controller role, so take advantage of her strength before she gets nerfed.
Among the strongest agents, according to our editorial team, is also the initiator Gekko. All of his abilities, along with his ultimate, make him very annoying for opponents, but Gekko's main strength lies elsewhere. Since patch 7.12, the agent has been receiving constant buffs to his abilities, indicating the developers' intention to make him overly strong. Because of this, it can be assumed that in the near future, Gekko will likely be nerfed and may no longer hold a leading position in the next agent tier list Valorant.
Closing out the Tier S list is another initiator, Sova. He is a prime example of a character who has always remained strong and popular since his release. His abilities allow for reading enemy movements, and his ultimate can be used to control narrow choke points, defend planted Spikes, or prevent enemies from planting them.
Tier A

In the next list, we've placed seven agents who are only slightly weaker than the characters in Tier S and can serve as excellent alternatives if the latter are unavailable.
The controller Omen has always been popular among the Valorant community due to his mobility and teleportation abilities. At one point, starting from patch 6.0 to 7.04, the developers regularly nerfed him, causing him to lose some of his popularity. However, after that, Omen began receiving buffs again, and as of the writing of this Valorant agent tier list 2024, he is one of the strongest agents in his role and can confidently compete with Tier S agents.
The Chinese duelist could easily have occupied the top position in Tier S just a few weeks ago, thanks to his Double Tap ability, which was absolutely broken and overly powerful, making Iso nearly invincible. However, the community and the developers reacted quickly, and after a wave of protests on social media, Riot Games swiftly nerfed the agent. Despite this, he remains very strong and steadily holds his position in Tier A.
Another duelist, Jett, has never lost her leading position in terms of strength and popularity since her introduction to Valorant. Due to her mobility and lethal ultimate, Jett is often picked by both professional and casual players. The last changes affecting Jett were in patch 7.04, where the developers significantly nerfed all her abilities. Even so, Jett remains one of the most popular and strongest agents in Valorant.
The third and final duelist in Tier A is Raze, who also ended up here due to periodic nerfs. In the last few patches, Riot significantly weakened her Blast Pack ability, causing Raze to lose a significant portion of her mobility. This is especially noticeable on the new Abyss map, which allows mobile agents to jump out of bounds. However, despite this, Raze's grenade and ultimate are still deadly, so she remains a stable presence in Tier A.
The reason why Killjoy remains one of the strongest agents lies in her ultimate ability. With Lockdown, you can control and defend planted Spikes or, conversely, take a site to plant them. Even the recent nerf that increased the energy required for Lockdown from 8 to 9 didn't affect the agent's strength.
Another representative of the sentinel role is quite a challenging character, but this is justified by his power. Mastering Cypher's abilities allows you to literally control the entire map and track enemy movements so that none of them can hide from your cameras and sensors.
Closing out Tier A is a rather unexpected guest, Breach. His strength lies in his intuitively simple and understandable abilities, which are quite effective. With his flashes and stuns, he can create synergy with almost any agent, and all his abilities can be used from a considerable distance.

Tier B

In the next tier, we've gathered four agents who may not be able to compete with Tier S agents, but despite this, they remain stable and can be reliably picked in most matches.
The first agent is a prime example of how developers can almost completely "kill" a strong character with one patch. If we were creating a Valorant agent tier list in 2023, Viper would definitely have taken the top position in Tier S. However, in patch 8.08, the developers nerfed her so severely that the Valorant community and professional players unanimously declared Viper "dead." And so it happened, though the agent can still be a decent controller, but this is only a fraction of her former potential.
Another duelist who has remained popular throughout Valorant's existence is Reyna. Like Jett from Tier S, Reyna has been popular since her addition to the game and continues to be so today. However, unlike her, she is much weaker. Her abilities don't allow her to effectively compete with other duelists, but she hasn't lost her popularity because of it.
The mobile duelist Neon allows you to showcase dynamic and fast-paced gameplay, though he is quite challenging to master. However, based on recent events, Neon is similar to Viper, though the former was nerfed less severely. In patch 8.11, the developers weakened the passive ability High Gear, making it much harder for players to control the agent in the air. A few months ago, when the patch was released, various publications created a Valorant agent tier list 8.11, and even then, Neon dropped to lower positions, where he remains today.
Closing out Tier A is the controller whose smokes have the longest duration. Although Brimstone has many smokes and a deadly ultimate, he is less effective compared to other agents in this position.
Tier C

In the next tier, we've placed agents who, in our opinion, are some of the weakest in the current Valorant meta. If you plan to climb the ranks, it’s not recommended to pick them, though there are exceptions in this list.
The first agent in this tier is Skye. While she remains a decent initiator agent who can also heal allies, in the current meta, Skye cannot compete with other agents in this role, largely due to the frequent nerfs the developers have "rewarded" her with.
The British duelist has never been known for strong abilities, which is why the developers regularly buffed him in the past. However, this hasn't had any significant impact on his strength, so after patch 6.0 and to this day, Phoenix hasn't received any major changes. It seems that Riot Games either forgot about him or decided not to touch the agent.
The strong Japanese duelist Yoru is one of the exceptions placed in Tier C. The main reason we ranked him so low is due to the complexity of the agent. Yoru is one of the most difficult agents available in Valorant, and very few players know how to play him correctly.
The second exception is Sage. While she is only in Tier C, we recommend picking her in every match. The reason is that no matter how weak she may be, Sage remains a true support who can not only heal her teammates but also resurrect one of them. That's why Sage is one of the main exceptions in our agent tier list Valorant 2024.
The last agent in Tier C, according to our editorial team, is Deadlock. The main reason she is here is due to her weakness. Since her introduction to Valorant, she has been very weak and unpopular. This situation hasn't changed even after several patches with buffs, and thus Deadlock remains low in our material.
Tier D

In the last tier, we've placed agents who, according to our editorial team, are the weakest in the current meta. Note that choosing one of these agents is entirely your decision, and if you like one of the characters listed below, you can certainly pick them.
The controller Astra is placed in Tier D for two reasons. The first is that she cannot compete with other agents in this role because her abilities are quite weak. The second reason is that she is a very challenging character, and not every player can master her.
Like Deadlock from Tier C, Harbor hasn't gained popularity since his release. Although initially, his abilities seemed strong among other controllers, this turned out not to be the case. Therefore, even today in the 2024 Valorant agent tier list, Harbor occupies one of the lowest positions.
The Turkish initiator Fade is also on the list of the weakest agents. At one point, she was quite popular and strong, but due to nerfs in the distant patch 5.10, Fade lost her leading position and hasn't regained it since.
KAY/O is a fairly challenging agent, and a series of regular nerfs have made him one of the weakest. In the current meta, he cannot compete with strong agents in his role, like Sova and Gekko.
Closing our list of Tier D agents is Chamber, who is known to all Valorant players. This agent has probably been nerfed the most in the game's history. That's why he ranks so low on our agent list, and until he gets buffed, Chamber will remain one of the weakest.
Clove, Gekko, Sove
Omen, Iso, Jett, Raze, Killjoy, Cypher, Breach
Viper, Reyna, Neon, Brimstone
Skye, Phoenix, Yoru, Sage, Deadlock
Astra, Harbor, Fade, KAY/O, Chamber
After reading our material, you now know which are the weakest and strongest agents in Valorant as of August 2024, according to our editorial team. Note that if you main an agent and enjoy playing them, don't worry about their position on our tier list. Additionally, remember that this material only pertains to the PC version of the game. The Valorant console agent tier list will be released on our portal a bit later.
Who is the strongest agent in Valorant?
The strongest agent varies for each player, as each has their strengths and weaknesses that need to be studied. However, among the 24 agents, Clove, Gekko, and Sova stand out in particular.
On what basis is the Valorant agent tier list created?
We compiled the Valorant agent tier list based on the current meta and recommendations from a player with an Immortal 387rr rank, who was in the top 3000 on the EU server.
How to create your own Valorant agent tier list?
You can use the Valorant agent tier list maker to create your own selection of characters.
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