Valorant Agent Gear Fade: Full Guide
Valorant Agent Gear Fade: Full Guide

The Turkish agent Fade, once a top pick among Valorant players, is currently not in her prime. She is only viable on a few maps where her abilities can be utilized effectively. In this guide, we’ll cover all the gear available for Fade in Valorant and explain how to unlock it.

In this article:

What is gear in Valorant?

Each Valorant agent has a unique set of gear that can be unlocked by completing their contract. There are over 26 agents in the game, with more added over time. Gear includes cosmetic items that enhance your in-game style:

  • Skins: Exclusive weapons available at level 10 of each agent’s gear.
  • Sprays: Graphics that can be used on surfaces during matches.
  • Player cards: Stylish illustrations for your profile.
  • Gun buddies: Decorative items for weapons.
  • Titles: Text displayed under your nickname.
  • Currency: Most agents reward Kingdom Credits at level 5.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to obtain items from Fade’s gear and what’s included in her contract.

How to get items from Fade's gear?

Unlock the agent To access Fade’s gear, you must first unlock the agent. Fade, like all other agents, costs 1000 Valorant Points (VP) or 8000 Kingdom Credits (KC). VP can be purchased with real money, while KC is earned by playing any mode, completing daily tasks, or progressing through other agents’ contracts.


View available gear After unlocking Fade, go to the "Agents" tab from the Valorant main menu. Find her among the available characters and click "View Gear" to see all items included in her contract.

Everything we know about the new agent in Valorant
Everything we know about the new agent in Valorant   1

Fade’s contract contents

Fade’s contract has 10 levels, like all other Valorant agents. Each level unlocks a specific cosmetic item. Here’s a breakdown:

Part One:

  • On The Browl spray: 2000 KC
  • Fade player card: 2500 KC
  • Bounty Hunter title: 3000 KC
  • EYE Opener spray: 3500 KC
  • 2000 Kingdom Credits: Free
Fade’s contract Part One
Fade’s contract Part One

Part Two:

  • Nazar Bead gun buddy: 4500 KC
  • Fade spray: 5500 KC
  • Living Nightmare title: 6500 KC
  • Dark Tide player card: 7500 KC
  • Karabasan Shorty skin: 8000 KC
Fade’s contract Two One
Fade’s contract Two One

Items can only be unlocked sequentially, so if you want an item at level 8, you’ll need to unlock levels 1–7 first.

Tips for quick progress

To unlock all of Fade’s gear, you’ll need a significant amount of Kingdom Credits. Here are some effective ways to speed up progress:

Is Fade’s gear worth it?

Unfortunately for Fade fans, her gear is considered one of the weakest in the game. None of the items stand out significantly, and there are no animated cosmetics. Considering the character’s unique design and heterochromia, Riot Games could have created more interesting items. However, they likely held back to encourage players to spend real money on other cosmetics.

If you’re a dedicated Fade fan, completing her contract is a way to show your loyalty to this Turkish agent. However, if you’re looking for the best cosmetics across all agents, check out our other guides dedicated to this topic.

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