We continue to provide our readers with detailed information about all available locations in Valorant. Today, we will talk about the Lotus map, which is one of the least popular among players of all categories due to the unique features of its landscape. However, this does not mean it should not be thoroughly understood. Therefore, today, our editorial team has prepared for you the biggest guide on the Lotus map in Valorant.
After reading our material, you will learn all the important details about the Lotus map, specifically: how to play correctly on this location, the agents, strategies of professional teams, as well as the markings used on the Lotus map.
Map Overview

The Lotus map was introduced to the game in January 2023, along with patch 6.0. This makes it the ninth map added to the game and simultaneously one of the latest. According to the game's storyline, it is located on Omega Earth, in the Western Ghats mountain pass area in India. The location itself, as you can see, is surrounded by mountains and mountain passes, and within the location, you can encounter elements characteristic of Indian culture. Mostly, these are flowers bearing the same name as the Indian lotus, as well as other architectural elements.
Map design
The Lotus map in Valorant cannot be classified as a simple location. Although it does not have teleports and cliffs, and the only zipline is on the defending side, which does not significantly affect the gameplay. Nevertheless, the location has its own features, which we will describe below.
Features of the Lotus map
The first and main feature of the map is the rotating mechanical doors. They are placed at points A and C and are activated by a mechanism near the doors themselves. These doors first appeared on the Lotus map and have not been present on any subsequent maps since then.

The second feature is the single stone doors that lead from point A to the central part of the map. Their HP is 400, and they can be destroyed using gunfire or knife strikes.

The third and final feature of the map is that the Lotus Val map has three Spike installation points. Thanks to the three points A, B, and C, the location can be considered more challenging for the defending side. However, the presence of the aforementioned doors and passages neutralizes this advantage, and overall, it is considered quite balanced for both sides. Additionally, because of this, Lotus is one of the two maps, along with Haven, where three Spike installation points are available.

Map markings on Lotus
Like other locations, Lotus has many different points with their own names. You can learn about them directly in the game by opening the location map using the M button. However, below we will describe the main markings on the Lotus Val map so you won't get confused during a match when studying them.
Markings at Point A

- A Main – The largest platform at point A
- A Tree – A semi-closed room where the automatic doors are placed
- A Top – A small passage from the defending players' side placed on an elevation
- A Link – A closed corridor that leads from point A to point B
- A Root – A passage near large roots, where attacking players enter point A
Markings at Point B

- B Main – A narrow corridor when entering Spike plant B
- B Site – The platform at the Spike installation point itself, which connects to A Link
- B Pillars – The main corridor through which attacking players enter point B
- B Upper – A narrow corridor from the defending side, which easily allows control over point B
Markings at Point C

- C Main – A large platform in front of the point itself, placed on the attacking players' side
- C Waterfall – A narrow passage from point C to point A, near which a waterfall is placed
- C Link – A corridor from the defending players' spawn that leads to the waterfall
- C Bend – One of the parts of point C, placed on the right side of the location
Best Agents on Lotus
Despite the map not being one of the most popular, it still regularly appears in the general rotation. Therefore, you need to know who the best agents are on the Lotus location in Valorant.
Clove | Controller | A versatile agent of her role, currently one of the most popular in the game. Thanks to her abilities, she can build more active strategies both at the beginning and within a round, as she can use smokes even after death. |
Raze | Duelist | This agent's specialty lies in her abilities that deal significant area damage. This is especially useful on the Lotus map, where most passages are narrow, perfectly interacting with Raze's skills. |
Fade | Initiator | Although it's hard to determine the best agent in this position because the map generally suits all, Fade, in our opinion, stands out above others. Her ultimate ability is particularly effective, as no enemy can hide from it. |
Killjoy | Sentinel | Unlike the previous point, Killjoy is an agent who excels on any map. Her turrets prevent being caught off guard, and her ultimate can neutralize the entire enemy team for some time. |
Alternative Agents
In addition to the aforementioned four agents on the Lotus Valorant map, we can suggest a few alternatives. You can also choose them if you don't have any of the above or simply don't like them.
Viper | Controller | A great alternative to Clove, although the agent has been significantly weakened in recent patches. However, note that to perform Viper perfectly, you need a lot of practice, as she is considered much harder than Clove. |
Jett | Duelist | Although, unlike Raze, the agent does not have any area-of-effect skills, Jett remains the strongest duelist in the game and a good alternative if you don't have Raze. |
Gekko | Initiator | Another excellent initiator who can be considered not an alternative but a main choice. The main difference from Fade is that his abilities are oriented towards solo play, while hers are team-oriented. |
Cypher | Sentinel | There are few useful representatives of this role, so a decent alternative to Killjoy can only be Cypher. Although not as effective as Killjoy, his abilities also help you monitor opponents. |
READ MORE: Best Agents for the Lotus Valorant Map

Defense Strategy on the Lotus Map
- Constant Rotation
Due to the larger number of Spike installation points on the Lotus map, the defending side may initially find themselves in a disadvantageous position. To prevent this, you need to always be ready to rotate. To facilitate this, the developers have added several pairs of automatic doors and passages on the map, allowing defending players to reach another point within a few seconds.
- Protecting key positions
At each of the three points, there are several key positions whose control increases your chances of winning the round. For example, when enemies attack point A, you need to focus on controlling the root and main positions. This way, you hinder their attack, and opponents will be forced to retreat or rotate. Agents we described above, or others like Sage and Deadlock, are perfect for control.
- Simultaneous defense of All Points
Since the Lotus map has three Spike installation points, attacking players have an advantage at the beginning of the round due to more possible attack directions, making it harder for the defending side to protect all three positions. To prevent this, defending players should better use a 2-1-2 strategy to be present at all points simultaneously. When the team gains information about enemy movements, the remaining members can regroup and assist at the specific point being attacked by opponents.
Attack strategy on Lotus
- Deceptive push of one point
If you are playing on the attacking side, you can use the large number of points to your advantage. For this, three players from your team should move to point A or C, and two to the opposite. Then, two players will conduct a fake attack, causing opponents to all move there. As a result, your team can replace the position and plant the Spike without resistance.
- Push of one point through mid
Although Lotus has three Spike installation points, meaning there is also a spot for planting in mid, sometimes you might not need to use it. The reason is that point B in mid is quite open, making it hard to defend a planted Spike there, unlike points A and C. However, the point itself can be used as a passage, allowing you to rotate and move to another platform to plant the Spike.
Tips and tricks on Lotus
- Use rotating doors correctly
A feature of the map is the doors that rotate around their axis, and it's important to know how to use them correctly. For example, the agent Jett can quickly pass through these doors thanks to her abilities, which also provide some acceleration.
- Watch the Wall
Near mid and point A, there is a small wall that can be destroyed, as we mentioned above. You can monitor its HP so that as soon as it collapses, you can use the situation to your advantage. This can be done using the indicator on the wall itself, which will redden as it gets destroyed.
- Use Smokes
Despite the Lotus map being large and having three Spike installation points, its fundamentals remain the same as other maps. We recommend using smokes correctly and choosing the agents we described above.

How professionals play on Lotus
An important aspect of understanding and studying the map is watching professional matches. Professional players have thoroughly studied every position and location on any map, so it's worth learning from them how to play better on each map. For example, take the current world champions EDward Gaming, who recently won the main tournament, with the team achieving 69% over 32 matches on Lotus. Therefore, they definitely know all the details and update history of this challenging map.
For example, let's take the match against Team Heretics in the grand final of this year's Valorant Champions 2024. The third map in the confrontation was indeed Lotus, so let's highlight a few interesting moments.
- Proper Pick – In the video, you can see that EDward Gaming chose strong agents we mentioned above. Among them: Clove, Fade, and Neon, who perform excellently on this map.
- Unexpected Attack – Right at the beginning of map 3, at the 6th minute of the video, you can see EDward Gaming starting a sudden attack. The thing is, in the first half, they played on the defending side, which is not typical for this side. Thus, they surprised their opponents and aggressively secured a victory in the first round.
- Proper Positioning – Throughout the entire first part, you can see that Team Heretics uses a 2-1-2 strategy to control each point simultaneously. This is correct when playing on a map with three points, and above we explained why it is advisable.
- Quick Direction Change – After switching sides, at the 37th minute of the video, you can see EDward Gaming initially attacking point C. Then they deceive the enemies and partially move towards direction A, after which they deceive the opponents again and return to C. As a result, the opponents were very stretched across the map, which brought the Chinese team victory in the round.
After reading our material, you have learned all the details about the Lotus map, as well as how to play correctly and which agents to choose. Note that knowledge of the location is very important if you want to effectively rank up in Valorant and improve your skills. Continue to follow our portal to learn more about other maps in Valorant.
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