Lotus is a unique map in Valorant, featuring not only three Spike plant sites but also special mechanics with doors. This makes strategic planning and selecting versatile agents essential. In this article, we'll explore the top five agents for Lotus, highlighting their strengths and offering tips for winning on this challenging map.
To succeed on this map, it's crucial to understand its structure and which agents perform best on Lotus. It's also important to consider their effectiveness within the overall team strategy and synergy with other agents. In the first section, we'll discuss five agents who are among the best picks for Lotus in Valorant.
Top Five Agents for Lotus

Clove is a versatile controller whose abilities not only help the team control specific areas but also enable more aggressive strategies. This is possible due to Clove's self-healing ability and the ability to deploy smoke screens even after death, making her extremely effective.

Advantages of Clove
- Visibility Control: Clove can create smoke screens that hinder enemy movement and visibility, giving your team a significant advantage and more freedom to operate.
- Aggressive Playstyle: With self-healing and the ability to use Ruse (E), Clove allows for more aggressive tactics and can sometimes take the lead without fear of dying.
Given the abundance of narrow corridors, Raze, a specialist in explosive devices and creating chaos, is a solid and reliable choice. Combined with other agents on our list, her potential shines on Lotus.

Advantages of Raze
- Area Clearing: With her explosive devices, Raze can deal massive damage in tight spaces, cornering enemies.
- Mobility: Blast Pack (Q) provides additional mobility, allowing Raze to quickly move around the map and take high ground positions.
The scout and initiator role on Lotus can be effectively filled by Fade, who not only locates enemies but also pairs excellently with Raze, especially with the Seize (Q) and Paint Shells (E) combo. Given that Raze is a frequent pick on this map, Fade is a great choice for Lotus.

Advantages of Fade
- Scouting: Fade has several abilities that can reveal enemy positions, giving the team a strategic edge.
- Enemy Control: Her abilities limit enemy movement and make them vulnerable to attacks, synergizing well with other agents' skills.

Breach is a powerful agent with abilities focused on controlling and neutralizing enemies. Like Fade, Breach pairs well with Raze's explosives, using Fault Line (E) to stun and slow down enemies, preventing them from escaping Raze's explosive attacks.

Advantages of Breach
- Powerful Abilities: Breach can immobilize enemies, making it safer and easier for the team to advance.
- Team Support: His abilities are perfect for initiating team attacks, holding controlled areas, and complementing the skills of other agents.
It's difficult to play on any map without an anchor, and on Lotus, having a strong defender is especially important. Thanks to her ultimate ability and other gadgets, Killjoy is more appealing than Cypher and other controllers. If your team lacks defense, consider picking this genius.

Advantages of Killjoy
- Defensive Setups: Killjoy can set traps that delay enemies and provide information on their whereabouts.
- Zone Control: Her gadgets help control critical areas of the map, forcing enemies to stay alert as they might encounter Killjoy's "little friends" at any moment.
Strong Bench Picks for Lotus
In addition to the five agents mentioned, other characters are worth considering on Lotus. Some may even perform better in specific strategies and playstyles. Let's take a closer look at three agents who made it to the bench.
If you enjoy playing duelists but aren't particularly drawn to Raze, consider Jett. She has even greater mobility than Raze, though she lacks explosives. However, this is compensated by her high mobility, making her an ideal choice for snipers.
Advantages of Jett
- High Mobility: Jett can quickly change positions and avoid danger with Tailwind (E) and Updraft (Q).
- Effective Sniper: Thanks to her mobility, Jett can play as a sniper without sacrificing movement speed with an Operator, using Tailwind (E).
Despite Viper's significant debuffs, she continues to dominate in both casual and ranked matches as well as on the professional scene. However, playing her is much more challenging than playing Clove, which is why she often remains on the bench. Achieving success with Viper requires significant experience and mastery of her unique playstyle, which differs from Clove or Omen.
Advantages of Viper
- Zone Control: All of Viper's abilities are geared toward controlling large parts of the map. Her large wall and toxic cloud give her team more space and confidence than their enemies.
- Enemy Weakening: Viper's abilities not only block enemy visibility but also weaken those who come into contact, increasing the damage they take from any source.
If you prefer not to rely on teammates or don't have any, but still value the initiator role, Gekko is a better choice than Fade. His abilities are more self-sufficient, while Fade's abilities require more cooperation to reach their full potential.
Advantages of Gekko
- Versatility: Gekko's abilities are highly effective in both attack and defense.
- Team Support: His abilities help detect, blind, and disorient enemies, making him a valuable asset for team support.

Tips for Winning on Lotus

If you find Lotus to be a challenging map, we've prepared some tips to help you feel more comfortable and gain an advantage over your opponents.
- Don't Leave Positions Unchecked: Lotus is a large map with three Spike plant sites. The defense often takes aggressive positions on one of these sites, so in slower rounds, start by checking each position to quickly gather information about the enemy's actions. The attacking side often leaves one player on the opposite side of the primary attack.
- Fight for Control: It's important to control every part of the map, so don't lose areas without a fight or at least respond aggressively on another part of the map.
- Watch Your Back: With its large size, it's difficult to control all positions, which teams often exploit. Make sure to assign abilities or players to cover your flanks.
The agents mentioned above are just our suggestions. Remember, in Valorant, teamwork and strategy are the most important aspects. Victory on Lotus can be achieved with any agent you prefer. However, if you're still undecided, try one of our recommended agents, and you won't be disappointed.
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