Valorant Sunset Map Smoke Guide: Mastering Omen's Smokes
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  • 11:40, 29.02.2024

Valorant Sunset Map Smoke Guide: Mastering Omen's Smokes

Valorant is an exciting first-person shooter known for its strategic aspects and the variety of tactical possibilities that arise from its diverse array of agents. A key element of gameplay is knowing the optimal places for smokes to effectively conduct an attack or defense. To enhance the gameplay level of our readers, we have prepared the "Sunset Valorant Smoke Guide".

Choosing an Agent

Before learning the optimal smoke spots, it's important to choose the right agent, as several agents in the game can deploy smoke screens. It's advisable to select one who can utilize advanced Sunset smokes, considering their unique features. Therefore, consider this before choosing an agent, as each has their own strengths and benefits in different situations.


Experienced players and professionals mainly choose Omen as their primary smoker on this map, with Viper sometimes assisting as a second controller. However, opting for two smokers depends on the game's tactics and strategy, while Omen is a popular choice in nearly every game. In the following sections, we will explore the best smokes for Valorant Sunset specifically from agent Omen, but worry not, most of these smokes can also be utilized by other agents, except for some special cases.


The map consists of three main positions: mid, A, and B. In this article, you will find the best smoking spots Valorant Sunset map for each point, both for offence and defence. Knowing and practising these techniques will easily help increase your win rate.

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Omen One-Way Smoke in Mid-Tiles, Sunset
Omen One-Way Smoke in Mid-Tiles, Sunset

An effective one-way smoke for controlling mid on the defensive side. In this scenario, your teammate from B market can aggressively control the main part of mid, and you'll still have another charge of Dark Cover (E) to stop a quick push on one of the points.

Smokes for Full Control of Mid on Defense, Sunset
Smokes for Full Control of Mid on Defense, Sunset

With such a smoke setup, you and your team can easily take control of mid. However, it's important to note that both of your charges will be used. If the enemy team decides to quickly push one of the positions, you won't be able to help stop the aggression. Such smoke tactics Valorant Sunset, using all charges in the first seconds of the round, are very risky but justified if you have a further action plan, like attacking the enemy from behind.


Smoke for Top-Mid, Sunset
Smoke for Top-Mid, Sunset

A basic smoke for controlling mid from the offence, which blocks all sight for enemies at top-mid. This smoke will reduce the likelihood of an enemy peek to zero. An enemy agent emerging from the smoke will also be forced to descend the stairs, adding difficulty and reducing their chances of a successful shootout.

Smokes for Full Control of Mid on Offense, Sunset
Smokes for Full Control of Mid on Offense, Sunset

Shown above are the top Sunset smoke locations Valorant for placing smoke screens that will help you take full control of the mid point on offence and diversify your strategy. You will be able to approach point B through the market or top-mid, return to point A main, or use the route through top-mid to break through to point A.

Point B


Smoke B Main for Defense, Sunset
Smoke B Main for Defense, Sunset

A simple and effective smoke that blocks the enemy team's vision during their push. This forces them to change their plans in most cases, which works to your advantage as you will have more time and options to play out.


Smoke Deployment on B for Offense, Sunset
Smoke Deployment on B for Offense, Sunset

Above are excellent smoke spots Sunset map that cover vision from all distant positions. All that remains is for you to push under a flashbang or drone and eliminate the player standing close, then plant the Spike.

These are the essential Sunset a-site smokes map that everyone who enjoys this map and wishes to increase their win rate on it should know.

Point A



Omen One-Way Smoke A Main, Sunset

Smoke A Main, Sunset
Smoke A Main, Sunset

Above are defensive smokes Sunset Valorant - one for aggressive and another for passive play, which every controller enthusiast should know. Both can drastically change the course of the round in your favour. The main thing is to remember that this is a team game, and always strive to have support.


Smokes for A Push, Sunset
Smokes for A Push, Sunset

Above are smokes for B-site smokes on Valorant Sunset that will help you easily take this point in most cases. In standard situations, two smokes are needed, one blocking the view of players quickly rotating from the top of mid, and the other blocking the defender's spawn. The attacking side gains complete freedom of action and advantage and thus can easily take the position from both sides.

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Main Strategy for Playing Controllers on the Sunset Map

If you're playing on the Sunset map as agent Omen, your goal on defence is to take control of one of the positions and not use more than one charge of Dark Cover (E) until you've determined the exact direction of the enemy team's push. Otherwise, you won't be able to assist your team, and your smokes are one of the main tools in the game.

The Valorant smoke strategies Sunset for attack has similar aspects to defence, but it's important to pay more attention to the actions and plans of your team to effectively use smokes. All this can be done through voice chat, but not all team members prefer to communicate, so it's important to closely monitor their movements and actively use smokes to provide assistance.

Tricks on Sunset

A main trick for controllers is using one-way smoke, which obstructs visibility from one side, while from the other, you can see enough to make a kill, though not everything. We have already demonstrated several such techniques earlier, and you can take a closer look at them again. We have prepared more Valorant Sunset smoke tricks, which you can see in the following images below.

Post-plant One-Way Omen B Site, Sunset
Post-plant One-Way Omen B Site, Sunset
Post-plant One-Way Omen A Site, Sunset
Post-plant One-Way Omen A Site, Sunset

Omen can throw a greater number of such smokes, which is why he is preferred over other agents on this map, but other characters also have their advantages and tricks on this or other maps.

These are all the basic tactics using smoke screens that we wanted to show you. Possessing them, you will have a solid foundation that, hopefully, will help you achieve high results in ranked modes and answer your main question "How to smoke in Sunset". Thank you for reading our material. Check out the "News" -> "Articles" section, where you'll find many more useful materials in the world of Valorant.

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