12:43, 18.12.2023

In the world of Valorant, where strategy and tactics play a crucial role, choosing the right agent can determine the course of a match. One of the most unique and interesting agents in the game is Killjoy, who has won the hearts of players with her unique inventions and abilities that can control the battlefield. In this guide from, we will thoroughly examine all aspects of playing as Killjoy, so you can use her potential to the fullest and become a true master.
Inventiveness and calmness

Killjoy, with her unique set of abilities, proves to be the perfect choice for those who appreciate a slow and strategic approach to the game. If you are the type of player who always aims to explore every corner of the map and loves to experiment, then Killjoy might be your ideal choice. Her ability to restrain opponents, control positions, and inflict significant damage provides the team with advantages during a match.
Tips for Attack and Defence
When playing as agent Killjoy, it's important to focus on controlling positions using her unique abilities. It is recommended to regularly change positions on the map you control to avoid an enemy team's predictions and complicate their strategy. Be unpredictable and frequently change your location.

Tips for the Defending side
- Be unpredictable, and frequently change your position.
- Place Killjoy's abilities in hard-to-reach places to make them harder for the enemy team to destroy.
- Rotate only when the Spike is planted, as Killjoy is a defender and should hold her position until the end.
- Learn several setups for effective use of Killjoy's abilities.
- Combine different Killjoy abilities to deal more damage to the enemy.
- Defuse the Spike to quickly obtain Lockdown.
Gathering quick information and accumulating charge for the ultimate ability (Lockdown) are key requirements for players choosing Killjoy on the attacking side. Players of this agent are usually advised to place a Turret to gather information about activity in other positions or behind them if they are heading to a point to plant the Spike. To get Lockdown as quickly as possible, collect points on the map and plant the Spike.

Tips for the Attacking side
- Implement Lockdown as soon as possible after obtaining it.
- Place Nanoswarm and Alarmbot on the planted Spike to prevent enemies from quickly neutralizing the bomb.
- Play slowly and behind the team, you can also lurk another position.
- The back is your responsibility, control it with the help of Turret.

Killjoy's inventions and how to use them
Nanoswarm is a grenade that can be thrown and activated at the right moment. Nanoswarm creates a zone where enemies suffer significant damage. Combined with other Killjoy abilities, it becomes a serious threat to enemies.

Useful tips
- Nanoswarm can be picked up during the buying phase.
- Enemies can destroy Nanoswarm.
- The grenade remains invisible to enemies until they get sufficiently close to it.
- Combine Nanoswarm with Alarmbot and Turret for maximum effectiveness.
- Throw the grenade at Spike planting or defusing locations to give your team extra time.
- Place Nanoswarm before the round starts in places where enemies may appear to damage or slow them down.
Alarmbot is another advantageous invention of Killjoy, which allows gathering extensive information and weakening enemies (weakened enemies receive double damage), especially effective in combination with Nanoswarm.

Useful tips
- Be aware that enemies can destroy Alarmbot.
- Place the bot in narrow passages to quickly gather information if the enemy team tries to take a certain position.
- Alarmbot remains invisible to enemies until they get close to it.
- You can recall the bot at any time. It has a cooldown period during the round.
- Combine Alarmbot with Nanoswarm and other agents' damaging abilities.
- Remember it has a limited radius; leaving this radius will deactivate it.
Turret is your best ally, ready to risk its life to provide you with information about enemies and, in rare cases, kill them (it deals minor damage). Place it in hard-to-reach places (on objects, behind objects) to make it harder for enemies to destroy.

Useful tips
- Turret makes a sound.
- Inflicts minor damage to enemies but slows them down upon hitting.
- Enemies often try to destroy the turret immediately; use this moment to kill them.
- Combine Turret with Nanoswarm and Alarmbot for maximum effectiveness.
- Use Turret to control one position while you control another.
- Remember it has a limited radius; leaving this radius will deactivate it.
- Can be picked up again at any time. It has a cooldown period during the round.
Lockdown is Killjoy's ultimate ability, considered one of the strongest in Valorant. For its power, it requires a large number of points (nine) for activation. Once activated, it creates a significant radius and a timer, after which all enemies in this radius will be detained (unable to shoot or use abilities, and their movement speed is reduced).

Useful Tips
- Lockdown can be broken by enemies' abilities or shots.
- Place the ultimate ability in safe places so that it covers as much of the play area as possible.
- Discuss the action plan with your team before using Lockdown.
- Plant, defuse Spike, and collect points to charge Lockdown as quickly as possible.
- The number of detained enemies is displayed on the screen.
- Enemies will try to leave the affected area; use this moment to kill them.
Maps to avoid choosing Killjoy
While Killjoy, with her abilities, is useful on most of the current maps in Valorant, in this section, we will discuss maps where it is not recommended to choose her. This doesn't mean she is utterly unsuitable on these maps, but rather a suggestion from our portal, as other agents might be more effective.
List of maps
- Breeze
- Bind
Killjoy values teammates
An inventive technological genius, Killjoy is one of those agents who ideally interact with numerous characters in Valorant. Thanks to her Nanoswarm and Alarmbot, her first ability excellently combines with the abilities of other agents that slow movement and increase damage to enemies. Conversely, her second ability works well with agents' abilities that inflict damage.
Top three agents to duo with Killjoy
- Sage
- Viper
- Breach
Concluding our guide on Killjoy, remember that the search for improvement is a continuous process. In the world of Valorant and on the battlefield, knowledge about the agent and a deep understanding of the game and your own playing style are crucial. Remember about strategy, inventiveness, and calmness, which make Killjoy unparalleled. Continue to study, experiment, and improve your gameplay to become a true master of Valorant. Follow our tips, and your success on the battlefield will be unquestionable. Good luck and victories to you, Valorant enthusiast!
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