How to Appear Offline Valorant
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  • 13:56, 12.03.2024

How to Appear Offline Valorant

On the Riot Client platform, used for games developed by Riot Games, there is no option to set an "offline mode". However, we have prepared a detailed guide that shows how to manually appear offline Valorant. This feature, standard in most gaming clients, allows players to hide their in-game presence. For example, it can be useful when you do not want to play with friends, but find it hard to refuse their invitations.

What is Offline Mode in Valorant?

Cypher agent
Cypher agent

Offline mode is a simple feature that allows you to hide your in-game activity from friends. For several years, Riot Games has been unable to integrate this feature into its launcher, despite its significant popularity among players of Valorant and League of Legends, and its presence in almost all other gaming clients, such as Steam or Blizzard Entertainment's Therefore, enthusiasts have developed their solution on how to appear offline in Valorant, which we will detail in our material.

In the game, besides the standard offline and online statuses, there is a third option that indicates the player is temporarily away from the computer. This status automatically activates after a certain period of inactivity in the game (activity counts as anything from pressing a key or moving the mouse). This is referred to as the Valorant away status and is displayed in yellow.

Instructions on How to Enable Offline in Valorant

Appear offline mode in Valorant
Appear offline mode in Valorant

Sometimes in life, you may want to play alone but find yourself in a situation where you do not want to refuse your game friends. At the same time, you do not wish to play with them or anyone else right now. As we mentioned above, there is no official way to hide your online status. Considering that the client is actively developing, the developers may listen to the requests and needs of players and add Valorant offline mode after six years of solving this problem through third-party programs.

To accomplish this, you need the help of a small program from GitHub. If you want an offline mode, use Deceive Valorant, which, with a few clicks, can perform the so-called "magic" that Riot Games has been unable to do for more than six years.

  1. Follow the link and download the latest version of Deceive from GitHub.
  2. Before launching the program, close the game to ensure it works properly.
  3. Open the Deceive.exe file.
  4. In the window that appears, select the game, in our case - Valorant. If you plan to use the program only for this shooter, you can tick the box at the bottom so the program no longer asks you about it.
  5. The game will automatically open if it does not happen, then wait a bit. After that, you only need to check if it works correctly.
  6. To do this, review your friends list and find a friend named "Deceive Active". If it exists, it means your friends cannot see your activity in the game.

These six simple steps are all that make up the Valorant Deceive tutorial. Use it to "hide" from friends or players you cannot refuse or tell they play poorly, due to your politeness and courtesy.

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What are the Limitations of Using Deceive in Valorant?

The answer to this question is very simple - none. Using the Deceive program, you are not limited by anything. You can use all the game features, from "Custom Game" to "Ranked". The main thing is not to end up in an awkward situation, for example, meeting one of your friends in a match from whom you are trying to "hide", as you will then have to explain how you hide online status Valorant.

Are You Banned in Valorant for Using Deceive?


The program has been available for general use for several years and is continuously updated. Riot Games does not combat its use, and there have been no scandalous cases of mass banning of players for its use. However, the possibility of a potential ban remains, but it is deficient. We used the program to go invisible on Valorant and did not have any problems during or after its use. However, it's important to make your own decision, considering all risks and consequences.

In conclusion, Deceive opens up the possibility for Valorant players to hide their presence in the game from friends and other players, without limiting their use of all game functions. Our offline status guide Valorant ends here, and we hope it was helpful to you. Thank you for your time and attention spent reading it. We wish you success in your gameplay and conquering new heights, and fewer friends from whom you need to hide, but remember, you can also try blocking friends in Valorant and not use the offline mode.

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