With each new agent, Valorant fans marvel at the developers' creativity and innovation. The release of the latest, twenty-fifth agent, was no exception. Game enthusiasts eagerly anticipated his release, thrilled by the thriller and delving into his abilities and new mechanics previously unseen in other characters. By reading this guide, you'll not only enhance your understanding of this agent but also discover various tricks and tips.
Death is Not an Issue
Clove is a controller, but he stands out distinctly from his counterparts. His abilities allow for both defensive and aggressive play, reminiscent of Omen's playstyle. However, his unique ultimate ability, which resurrects you, enables you to make even more proactive moves. Moreover, the ability to use smokes after death makes him a unique controller who can save more than one round.
How to Play Clove?

As Clove is a controller, the primary goal is to complicate the enemy's attempts to position themselves and help your team gain an advantage in certain map areas. They have enough abilities to achieve this.
Defence Tips
- Use Meddle (Q) to deter enemy aggression.
- Utilize Ruse (E) to block enemy vision, making it harder for them to position.
- Combine Meddle (Q) and Ruse (E) to push back the enemy and block their vision, taking significant map control.
- Due to Ruse (E)'s limited range, stay closer to the centre to quickly assist the team at any map point.
On offence, conversely, use your abilities to secure positions for your team, greatly increasing the variety of your next actions. The more positions you secure, the harder it will be for enemies to prepare for everything and outplay you.
Offense Tips
- Cover important positions with Ruse (E) before attacking a site.
- Weaken enemies using Meddle (Q).
- Don't be afraid to take risks, as you have Pick-me-up (C) for health regeneration and can use smoke screens even when dead.
- Remember to collect points for your ultimate ability to resurrect at a critical moment and win the round.

Almost every agent in Valorant has a speciality that attracts new followers, and Clove is no exception. Beyond their appearance and unique style, their abilities are filled with unique features. Some can even be used after you've died during a round, offering a unique gameplay experience with this agent and drastically changing the gameplay, not just for the player on this agent but across the entire map.
Pick-me-up (C) can only be activated if you've killed someone or dealt damage to an enemy agent finished off by a teammate. Otherwise, it cannot be activated. Once activated, you receive an overheal.
- It can be used on an enemy you didn't kill but damaged.
- You also gain additional movement speed after use.
- There's a specific time frame to use the ability after killing an enemy.
- The ability doesn't last indefinitely; after expiration, health returns to 100 units, even if you had less before use.

Meddle (Q) equips Clove with a fragment that, after being fired, activates after a certain time, creating a layer around itself. Enemies entering this layer become weakened and lose 90 health points.
- The ability bounces off walls, so try to use it from safe positions.
- Health decreases temporarily, so take advantage of this over the enemy.
- Combine Pick-me-up (C) and Meddle (Q) to easily kill an enemy and restore health.
- It affects both enemies and allies, so be cautious with this ability.
- Try to use it on multiple enemies, as the ability has no limitations in this regard.

Ruse (E) is a smoke screen, similar to Brimstone in mechanics. Pressing the key opens a mini-map to select a position, then confirm the choice with the right mouse button. However, it has a unique feature: this ability can be used even after you've died.
- The ability has only two charges, so don't use them without reason as this ability is one of the main advantages in battle.
- After using one charge, it refreshes after 30 seconds.
- The ability can be used even after your death, so continue to focus on the game and not get distracted by other things after you've died.
Not Dead Yet (X) is an ultimate ability without parallels in the game. The agent can return to the battlefield after death, and it can only be used post-mortem. After activation, you are granted a few seconds of immortality to change to a safe position.
- If you have the ultimate ability and you die, you will have a few seconds after your death to use it.
- Quickly consider where you will run to before activation, as time will be limited after activation.
- The ultimate ability can also be used even if you're the last to die in your team, but only when you're playing on the attacking side and the spike is planted.
Best Duo Agents
To create the perfect duo of agents with a friend, choose a character with skills that Clove lacks. His weaknesses are reconnaissance and speed, necessary for the second agent to effectively utilize Clove's potential and increase your success chances in matches. Here are three heroes that would ideally complement the new agent in Valorant:
- Gekko
- Sova
- Jett

Maps Where Clove Is Most Effective
Thanks to Clove's diverse abilities, which can be handy in any situation, it can be concluded that there are no strong or weak maps for the new character, as his abilities do not depend on specific terrain. However, on larger maps like Breeze, using Ruse (E) may be challenging due to its limited range of action.
The new agent Clove deserves your attention. To unlock him and test his abilities firsthand, our detailed guide on Clove in 2024 will assist you. You'll find plenty of useful information, from tips on using abilities to who and how best to play the new agent in Valorant, helping you feel more confident from the first moments of mastering this character.
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