Best Valorant agents for console play

Best Valorant agents for console play

For many years, the Valorant community was fueled by rumors of a console version release. Now, with the arrival of 2024, those rumors have been confirmed. Riot Games announced the official launch of Valorant for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. While we await the exact release date, developers have provided open beta testing for players who signed up on the official website.

You've probably heard that the console version has some differences from the PC, so the agents' strengths are distributed differently. We've compiled a list of the best agents for playing Valorant on consoles, who are easier to play with using a controller, helping you adapt quickly to new conditions and prepare for the official release.

Best Valorant agents for console play

7. Sova


Role: Initiator


  • Recon Bolt: Fires an arrow that reveals enemy locations.
  • Owl Drone: Deploys a drone to scout, marking enemies.
  • Shock Bolt: Fires an explosive arrow dealing damage.
  • Hunter’s Fury (Ultimate): Fires three powerful energy blasts through walls.

Why Sova?

Sova is perfect for gathering enemy information. His abilities reveal enemy positions and deal damage through walls, making him essential for strategic play. Recon Bolt and Hunter’s Fury have intuitive controls, making them easy to use on a gamepad. Sova effectively supports the team by detecting enemies, crucial for console team play. His ability to control territory and plan attacks or defenses in advance provides a tactical advantage, regardless of the device.

6. Reyna


Role: Duelist


  • Leer: Creates a sphere blinding enemies.
  • Devour: Absorbs the soul of a killed enemy, healing Reyna.
  • Dismiss: Makes Reyna invulnerable for a short time.
  • Empress (Ultimate): Enhances abilities and speeds up cooldown.

Why Reyna?

Reyna’s abilities are simple and intuitive, easy to use on a gamepad, suitable for players who prefer a straightforward play style. Her abilities allow for quick health recovery and damage dealing, useful on consoles where reaction times may be slower than on PC. Reyna can play solo effectively with Devour and Dismiss, reducing team reliance. Her aggressive approach and quick enemy takedowns fit console gameplay, where control precision might be lower.

5. Phoenix


Role: Duelist


  • Curveball: Throws a flashbang around corners.
  • Hot Hands: Throws a fireball, healing Phoenix if he stands in it.
  • Blaze: Creates a wall of fire blocking vision and damaging enemies.
  • Run It Back (Ultimate): Sets a marker; if you die during activation, you respawn there.

Why Phoenix?

Phoenix is ideal for console players due to his self-sufficiency and forgiving abilities. His flash is simple and easy to use with a joystick, not requiring high precision, which is a big plus. Healing provides extra survivability, making him a great choice for both beginners and veterans looking to master Valorant quickly with a controller. Not to mention his ultimate, which is simple to use even on a gamepad.

4. Brimstone


Role: Controller


  • Sky Smoke: Deploys smoke screens to limit visibility.
  • Stim Beacon: Increases allies' fire rate.
  • Incendiary: Launches a grenade creating a fire zone.
  • Orbital Strike (Ultimate): Calls in a powerful airstrike.

Why Brimstone?

Brimstone's smokes are essential for controlling sightlines, and his abilities are simple and quick to use with a controller. After deploying smokes, you have plenty of free time to focus on other important abilities. His ultimate doesn’t require great precision and forgives minor errors, making him a straightforward and user-friendly agent for beginners.

3. Sage


Role: Sentinel


  • Barrier Orb: Creates a large, durable wall.
  • Slow Orb: Creates a field that slows and slightly damages players.
  • Healing Orb: Heals an ally or yourself over time.
  • Resurrection (Ultimate): Revives a fallen ally.

Why Sage?

Sage is the perfect support character, crucial for maintaining team momentum. Her healing and resurrection abilities can turn the tide of rounds, and her barrier provides excellent zone control. As a starter agent, she consistently remains in the meta at both professional and ranked levels. With user-friendly abilities, Sage is the best support agent whose skills are easily applied even with little gamepad experience.

2. Raze


Role: Duelist


  • Boom Bot: Deploys a robot that chases and explodes on enemies.
  • Blast Pack: Throwable packs that deal damage and propel Raze.
  • Paint Shells: Cluster grenades that deal massive damage.
  • Showstopper (Ultimate): Launches a devastating rocket.

Why Raze?

Raze offers explosive gameplay with her powerful abilities. Her skill set is fun and dynamic, providing easy entry into positions, especially for those who prefer a more aggressive style. She is fast and mobile, catching opponents off guard with sudden position changes. If you and your opponent are still adjusting to new controls, you’ll have a significant advantage, helping you turn the tide in many matches.

1. Killjoy


Role: Sentinel


  • Nanoswarm: Deploys grenades that can be detonated remotely.
  • Turret: Sets up a turret that fires at enemies in a 180-degree sector.
  • Alarmbot: Releases a bot that hunts enemies.
  • Lockdown (Ultimate): Detains all enemies in a large radius.

Why Killjoy?

The most convenient agent for playing Valorant on console is Killjoy. She controls zones excellently and provides valuable information. Her abilities automate much of her utility, allowing players to focus on positioning and strategic play. This means you won't need to frantically press all buttons during tense fights and can fully concentrate on shooting enemies, making her the simplest and most convenient character who is not only strong but helps you adapt to the new game conditions faster.


Choosing the right agent can significantly enhance your Valorant experience on console. Whether you prefer supporting your team, controlling the map, or leading the attack, these agents offer versatility and effectiveness, adaptable to any playstyle. Experiment with them and find the one that suits your approach, and remember everything you’ve learned from the PC version of the game.

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