Best spots on the Pearl map in Valorant for attack side
Best spots on the Pearl map in Valorant for attack side

We continue to tell you about the best spots on all maps in Valorant for both sides. Today, we return to the Pearl location, which, according to community consensus, is considered better for the defensive side. Due to the peculiarities of both Spike planting points and the paths to them, it is often difficult for the attacking players to take control of the plant, and the only straightforward section of the map remains the central part. Despite this, playing on the attack at Pearl does not mean a guaranteed defeat, and much depends on the agents and individual skill. Therefore, today, the Bo3 reaction has prepared material for you, in which we will talk about the best spots on the Pearl map for the attacking side, so you can better navigate the location and try to correct the unfairness added by the developers.

Point A



Although planting at point A is easier compared to point B, attackers often face challenges here. The first spot, well-known to all, is located at the entrance to the plant itself. Using the side walls as cover, you first knock out opponents from the Spike planting point, then move to a more advantageous position. Moreover, this spot can also be used after planting the Spike, allowing you not to stay directly on the plant but to meet enemies rotating from point B. Also, don't forget that opponents can take the long path and move through your spawn, so occasionally check your back to avoid surprises.



The second position has already been in our list when playing for the defensive side, but it remains effective in most game situations. It is located right at the plant on the right side. Unlike the defensive side, when using this spot for attack, it is used a bit differently. It should be occupied when your team has quickly entered the plant but hasn't knocked out all the enemies. We recommend taking this position to safely cover your teammates and monitor other passages. Unlike the defensive side, when you used this position covertly, it is also well-suited for more aggressive play during the attack, and thanks to the wall that covers the plant, it remains safe.



The next position is on the defensive side and is quite unusual. The position is located on a box near a window, from which you can monitor many transitions. This position can be used differently. The first way is when your team has already planted the Spike, and enemies begin to approach from the B plant side. In this way, you can hold them off and win crucial time needed for a round victory. Also, this position can be occupied when your team is just beginning to take over the plant, and you managed to come up behind the enemies through mid. You can unexpectedly attack enemies from behind or just stay at this position to wait for them to retreat. Note that the spot is quite dangerous, so we recommend occasionally changing position and going downstairs.



The last two points in our list will relate to the central part of the map because it is easier to enter the plants from this section on Pearl. The first position is located in a closed corridor, from which you can move to the entrance to plant A. Note that this position is often chosen by defenders, so first, you need to check their presence. For this, you can use the window behind you, which we discussed in a previous article. If you managed to take this spot, it opens two pathways for you: to the plant itself and deeper into the central part of the map, from where you can reach both plants. But do not forget that this position is quite dangerous. There are only one box for cover here, and it is penetrable, so we recommend preparing your way to retreat in advance.



The last position is also located in mid. You can get to it from the previous point or through another door in the central part of the map. From this spot, you can proceed to the defenders' spawn point and find yourself behind them or even rotate to plant B. But with the first option, do not forget that there is water on the floor ahead, and if enemies are close, they can hear you. Remember to use Shift or Ctrl to sneak up on enemies without making a sound. Also, it is best to use this passage when your allies are attacking the plant, which will distract the opponents from this route.

Point B



Point B is considered difficult for the attacking side, mainly because of the main long corridor that players need to advance through. The first position is located right in this corridor. This position is the only one in the passage that has some cover, provided by a large column located right in the middle of the road. From this spot, you can monitor part of plant B and the hiding spots of the defenders. But the position itself is very dangerous, and you will not have the opportunity to retreat from it. That's why the passage is considered the least convenient, and attackers prefer other methods to reach the plant.



The second position is located right at the plant itself but is no less dangerous. The spot is fully exposed to enemies, and despite being able to control all passages, opponents can unexpectedly appear from two directions. Using this position when your team is just occupying the plant is not advisable for the reasons mentioned above. But when you have fully occupied the installation point and planted the Spike, you can try to stay at this position. Your teammates will be watching other passages, and thus, you will need to control fewer places, reducing the chance of an unexpected appearance of enemies.



The next position was already in our list for the defensive side, but it works excellently for the attacking side as well. This closed corridor allows you to use it differently. First, you can break through here at the beginning of your attack on the plant, after which you can safely cover opponents and kill enemies. Also, this position can be used when your team has already planted the Spike. In this case, you just need to wait for the enemies, and if you are outnumbered, hide completely and focus only on sound. The only downside to this position is the two exits, so if enemies have found out about your location, there's a high chance that they will enter simultaneously from both sides.



The fourth position in our list has functionality similar to the third, but it is located on the other side of the plant. From this spot, you can cover teammates as they enter the plant from the main passage, or covertly protect the planted Spike. But unlike the previous position, from this spot, you can also rotate and return to the central part of the map or to plant A. Also, in case you are left alone and need to save weapons and skills for another round, from this position, you can also retreat directly to your spawn point, where you will definitely not be searched for.



The last position at point B was also in our list. It is located on a conditional balcony directly above the Spike installation site. From this position, you can both covertly and openly observe the plant. This position can only be occupied when your team has already occupied the plant and planted the Spike because players from the defense will likely be present at the beginning of the round. Additionally, from this spot, you can jump down and quickly escape if enemies are pressing you from behind.


After reading our material, you learned about the best positions on the Pearl map when playing for the attacking side. Note that these are not mandatory points, and you can occupy any position depending on the situation. Continue to follow our portal to learn about spots on other maps in Valorant.

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