Valorant is an ever-changing landscape with new maps and agents being added all the time, so it’s important to know the best agents for all maps in Valorant. At bo3 we have you covered, as we will take you through each agent and the maps they perform best on. We have highlighted three for each Agent, allowing you to be versatile in your games.
Best Valorant maps for Duelists
Duelists are the stars of the team and the tip of the spear when it comes to attacking in Valorant. Often going in first to make space for the team, it’s imperative you pick the right one for the map you are playing on.

The first three agents, Jett, Raze, and Neon, are the best Duelists in Valorant. This is because they all possess movement abilities that make them excellent at taking space. Their ultimate abilities are also strong as they make them deadly on eco or force buy rounds without spending credits.
Best Valorant maps for Jett
Jett is the most popular Duelist, at least in professional play. The best agent to use the Operator with, she is versatile and her Tailwind ability allows for quick access to Spike sites.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Jett:

- Ascent: Ascent has a very classic tactical FPS map layout, with a Mid portion that needs to be contested. With Jett’s ability to use the Operator, she is the perfect pick for Ascent. It is the best map for Jett in Valorant. On the Ascent defense side, you should move around the map with the Operator, taking different aggressive fights in the opening of rounds.
- Breeze: Another long-range map ideal for Operator players, Jett shines on Breeze. Jett can also be deadly on Breeze thanks to her Updraft ability, which allows her to take unpredictable fights with the limited verticality in the map. On Breeze, Jett can also be very dangerous on attack. Her Tailwind ability combined with Cloudburst can be an excellent way to take space on open sites, allowing teammates to sweep in for kills.
- Haven: Because Haven has three Spike sites, map control is very important. With teams often needing to leave one site with just one defender, Jett’s ability to use the Operator is perfect. On defence side, position yourself as Jett on either A Long or C Long. You can hold down the long angle with your Operator, and you don’t need a Sova to use his Recon Dart there for information.
Ultimately, Jett is good for every map because of her movement abilities and her ultimate. However, that doesn’t mean she should be picked on every map, as other agents are better on others.

Best Valorant maps for Raze
The second favourite Duelist for professional players is Raze. Less-viable with an Operator, Raze is even better at taking space on attack thanks to her Blast Pack Ability. You can use the Blast Pack to soar through the air and catch opponents off-guard. Her Boom Bot also serves as excellent recon for both attack and defence sides.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Raze:

- Bind: Bind is an excellent map for Raze because her Blast Packs allow you to take space in Lamps very quickly. On defence, they also allow you to play unpredictable angles such as on top of A Default. With lots of enclosed spaces on Bind, the Boom Bot and Paint Shells ability can also both be used to effectively clear space. In combination, they can be very deadly.
- Lotus: Raze is strong on Lotus because of how Paint Shells can be used to secure space. Throwing Paint Shells at A Main at the start of defence rounds prevents attackers from getting map control. Throwing Paint Shells at C Bend on attack can stop defenders from being able to hold the site. Lotus also has a lot of open spaces which Raze can traverse with her Blast Packs, making it one of the best Valorant maps for Raze.
- Sunset: The newest map in Valorant is very strong for Raze. Like Ascent it has a Mid portion, but it is hard to be effective with an Operator. Instead, fighting quickly with high mobility is strong, which is why Raze is often picked because of her Blast Packs. Sunset also has a number of tight corridors, which are perfect for Raze’s Paint Shells on defence. Try throwing them at the back of A Main at the start of a round for maximum damage.
Like Jett, Raze is very versatile thanks to her abilities. That being said, that doesn’t mean she is equal to Jett. Raze is far worse with the Operator and at long-range, so on maps like Breeze, the Duelist role should be left for Jett.
Best Valorant maps for Neon
Neon is the fastest agent in Valorant. Her High Gear ability allows her to run super fast, and combined with Fast Lane, can make her a mystery to defenders. Her ultimate ability, Overdrive, turns her finger into a gun and is really good to use on eco or force-buy rounds.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Neon:

- Fracture: Fracture may not be active in Valorant at the moment, but it is the best map for Neon. Fracture requires fast rotations, and Neon’s High Gear makes her the perfect Duelist for that. Being such a small map, Neon’s speed becomes extra important. The small map also makes Fast Lane more effective, closing the gap between you and your enemies quickly. Combined with Overdrive, you can easily overwhelm opponents and turn rounds on their head.
- Breeze: Breeze is a large map, which would typically favour Jett. However, if you don’t like using the Operator, then Neon is perfect. Although it is large, High Gear and Fast Lane let Neon traverse the map quickly, causing panic for defenders.
- Haven: Haven is good for Neon players who like to be extra aggressive. With High Gear allowing her to get in opponents’ faces quickly, you can fight for things like C and A long before attackers even figure out what you are doing.
Be aware that Neon is more specialised than Jett and Raze. Although she is still good, she lacks the versatility of the other two and takes harder to master.
The remaining Duelists are still good, but less helpful to the team due to their limited movement. They also have ultimates that aren’t as good on eco rounds, and therefore are bet when the team has two Duelists.
Best Valorant maps for Phoenix
Phoenix was very popular at the start of Valorant because of his Cruveball ability. However, as more flash agents like Skye have been introduced, he is less meta. Despite not having movement abilities he is still strong, and his six-point Run it Back ultimate ability is very strong. Being able to heal thanks to Hot Hands is also a big bonus.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Phoenix:

- Split: Split is without a doubt the best map for Phoenix. With many tight angles and corridors, his Curveball ability is very strong. On defence, play around B Mail and Heaven to become a nuisance for attackers. Run it BAck is also very strong on Split because it is always easy to find fights on the map. This means you will always have the opportunity to get value out of it.
- Haven: Haven is the original Phoenix map. This is because the Blaze ability is very good for taking map control, which is especially important on Haven. The number of close corners also makes Curveball strong.
- Ascent: Another map with close corners, Ascent is one of the best Valorant maps for Phoenix. On attack side, use the Curveball to clear out B Main or to take space on A Short.
While Phoenix is very strong on these maps, he isn’t strong on big maps with open spaces. Avoid Phoenix on Breeze as his Cruvebalkl will have very little effect.

Best Valorant maps for Reyna
Reyna is one of the most popular agents in Valorant. This is because of her ability to rack up kills thanks to Dismiss and Devour. However, Reyna is a very selfish agent, and should only be used by solo queue players confident in their mechanical ability.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Reyna:

- Haven: With Haven having three sites, it is easy to be unpredictable with Reyna on the map. Use the Leer ability to take fights early in the round and then lurk for late-round impact.
- Bind: Reyna’s ultimate ability, Empress, is best used in tight spaces. For this reason, Reyna is very good on Bind. On attack, tell your team to go B when you have Empress and become the main defender of the Spike in post-plants. On attack, go for early fights in Showers or B Long and use Dismiss to escape to safety.
- Split: Similar to Bind, Empress can be used with great effect on the B site. On defence, play in either A or B Heaven and use the Leer ability to take aggressive fights when the opponents challenge you.
Remember, Reyna is a very selfish agent. Only use her if you are confident in your ability to get more kills than anyone else.
Best Valorant maps for Yoru
Yoru is one of the hardest agents to master in the Valorant. This is a big reason why he isn’t picked often, especially at pro level. That being said, he is great agent for tricksters and people looking to have fun.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Yoru:

- Haven: Just like Reyna, Yoru can take advantage of Haven’s three sites. Map control and rotation are important, so use the Blindside and Gatecrash abilities to stop defenders from rotating. You can also do this very well with Yoru’s ultimate ability, Dimensional Drift. On defence side, play behind boxes and throw the Blindside ability at your feet when you hear enemies. The flash will bounce above the box and allow you to pick up easy kills on blinded opponents.
- Lotus: Where Haven is about map control, Lotus is about taking early fights to prevent map control. With Yoru’s Gatecrash ability, he is perfect to get behind enemy lines and cause havoc in these early fights.
- Bind: Bind’s Spike sites with multiple entrances. Yoru’s Gatecrash and Dimensional Drift abilities can ruin defences by creating a third point of attack and splitting the defence. Combine them with Blindside for maximum effect.
Like Reyna, Yoru isn’t as good at helping out the team. However, he can be very good at stopping people from rotating and confusing opponents. Practice Gatecrash and Dimensional Drift to become Yoru experts.
Best Valorant maps for Iso
Iso is the newest agent, but that doesn’t mean players haven’t already figured out how to use him. The Contingency ability is excellent for contesting space, making Iso very dangerous on defender sides.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Iso:

- Bind: Thanks to Iso’s Contingency ability, you can easily take early-round fights on Bind defence side. Use Contingency on B Long to get all the way down and fight attackers before they get to push.
- Haven: Similar to Bind, you can use Contingency on C Long and A Long to take space on defence and push back attackers. Contingency can not be shot through, so you will be protected as you attack them.
- Split: iso works best in narrow spaces, which is perfect for Split. Contingency can be used to make space and isolate fights. Undercut can be used to make defenders vulnerable before you push them.
Similar to Reyna, Iso is an agent that requires very good aim. His Kill Contract ultimate and Double Tap ability need you to have snappy aim, so make sure you practice before picking him. Also, avoid large open maps like Lotus and Breeze. It will be hard on those maps to get effective use out of Contingency.

Best Valorant maps for Controllers
Controllers are some of the most important agents in a Valorant team. They are the agents with smokes, so they are needed to delay attackers and execute safely onto sites.
Best Valorant maps for Omen
Thanks to his Paranoia ability, Omen is the most versatile Controller in Valorant. Another big positive of Omen is that his Dark Cover smokes are very close to being global (meaning you can place them wherever), which makes him stronger than Brimstone.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Omen:

- Ascent: Omen is a must-pick on Ascent. Part of the default team comp on Ascent, this is because of how far you can use his Dark Cover. His ability to use Dark Cover to create one-way smokes also gives him extra strength on defence. On attack, Paranoia can also be used effectively to blind an angle, such as Generator on A.
- Haven: Given how long rotations are on Haven, Omen’s From the Shadows ultimate can be very effective for quick rotations. His near-global smokes are also very effective. They allow you to fake executes on sites and protect teammates from far away.
- Split: Split is a map where attacking teams will make split-second decisions to rotate to the other site, this heavily favours Omen and his From the Shadows ultimate. As well as this, the Paranoia ability is wide enough to blind all of B Heaven, offering lots of support to teammates.
Omen is one of the best Controllers in Valorant, and really doesn’t have a bad map. That being said, there are maps others are stronger on, such as Viper on Breeze and Brimstone on Bind.
Best Valorant maps for Astra
When Astra was added to the game she took over the Controller meta. She has since been nerfed, but is still incredibly viable. Her global capabilities as well as the Gravity Well and Nova Pulse abilities make her a nuisance to play against.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Astra:

- Sunset: The newest map in the pool, we’re already seeing pro teams use Astra on the map. Early map control is important, and that’s where Gravity Well and Nova Pulse can come into play. With the layouts of the Spike sites, her ultimate ability Cosmic Divide is also excellent for guaranteeing a Spike plant.
- Lotus: Lotus is a big map, and that makes the global Astral Form and Nebula/Dissipate very strong. Not just that, but Astra’s Cosmic Divide can also split the map in half and become the perfect tool for executes and retakes. Gravity Well is also really strong in the opening of rounds, combine it with Raze’s Paint Shells to help secure kills for your teammates.
- Split: Thanks to Split’s narrow corridors, Astra’s Gravity Well and Nova Pulse become very strong. Not only that, but Cosmic Divide is also perfect for dividing Spike sites in two, easily securing Spike plants on a map that it can be hard to do.
Astra is one of the best Controllers in Valorant, but she is also one of the hardest to use. She needs a lot of communication to get the most out of her abilities, so we recommend only playing as her as part of a team.

Best Valorant maps for Brimstone
The original Controller available to players, Brimstone remains a viable agent in 2023. With three Sky Smokes he has the most smokes in the game, but unlike the other Controllers, they don’t regenerate over time. His Incendiary and Orbital Strike abilities are really good in post-plant situations, as well as for securing space, making Brimstone very versatile.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Brimstone:

- Bind: Bind is far and away the best map for Brimstone. His three Sky Smokes are all needed in order to execute on A properly, and Orbital Strike can help you do so.
- Haven: Although Haven is a big map, the fast rotations make Brimstone a perfect choice. Executing on sites quickly is important, and Sky Smokes are perfect to do so. Incendiary is also strong as there are lots of places to fall back to for post-plant lineups.
- Fracture: Although Fracture isn’t currently in rotation, it’s small size makes Brimstone a perfect choice. The small design negates the negatives of the limited range of Sky Smokes. Stim Beacon is also strong on Fracture as it allows teammates to execute onto sites quickly to beat fast rotations.
Although Brimstone’s popularity has waned thanks to the versatility of Omen and Astra, he is still a strong pick. That being said, avoid using him on Breeze and Pearl as the range of his abilities will quickly become an issue.
Best Valorant maps for Viper
Viper was weak when the game was released, but subsequent updates have made her one of the best Controllers in Valorant. Toxic Screen covers a massive amount of space and Poison Cloud can always cover what is left. Her ultimate ability Viper’s Pit is one of the strongest in the game on both attack and defense, and the Snake Bite Molotov is perfect for many situations.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Viper:

- Breeze: Breeze is by far Viper’s best map. The large map design really benefits Toxic Screen and Poison Cloud is a very effective tool for helping to take control of Mid. Breeze is also a very strong map for Viper’s Pit, as it makes taking Spike sites very hard.
- Bind: While Bind is a strong map for Viper, we recommend only using her in a double Controller set-up. This is because you will struggle to properly execute on sites with just Viper’s abilities. On attack, use Toxic Screen to block off vision from A Site and help take control of Lamps to force rotations.
- Split: Split is a strong map for Viper in both single and double Controller compositions. On attack, Toxic Screen can be used very well to lurk on sites, but it is only recommended to do that in double Controller setups. On defense, defend Mid using Poison Cloud and Snake Bites to delay attackers.
Viper is a very good agent to pick on most maps, however, she has less impact on Ascent and Haven. This is due to the fact that more traditional smokes, such as Sky Smoke or Dark Cover better cover the necessary positions.
Best Valorant maps for Harbor
Similarly to Viper, Harbour is often best used as a second Controller. Also similarly to Viper, his High Tide ability can cover big spaces just like Toxic Screen. Cascade gives an excellent second smoke to delay retakes, and Cove can be perfect for securing Spike plants or defuses.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Harbor:

- Breeze: Harbor can be used either interchangeably or alongside Viper on Breeze. High Tide can be used as a main smoke to do a similar job to Toxic Screen, or when played together with Viper, can be used to fake an execute onto a site. Harbor’s ultimate ability, Reckoning, is very strong on Breeze as it forces defenders to move from positions and the design of the map makes it easy to hide in those positions without it.
- Sunset: Harbor has thus far seen a reasonable amount of use on Sunset by professional players. Cascade is very strong for taking Mid and for executing onto Spike sites, while Reckoning can also be a strong tool in both retakes and executes.
- Pearl: The distance provided by High Tide can be incredibly valuable when securing map control on Pearl. Especially strong on Attack, High Tide is perfect for executing onto the A site as there are many angles a lot of Controllers can not cover themselves due to limited amounts of smokes.
Like Viper, Harbor isn’t recommended for use on maps like Ascent and Haven. Also, due to the fact High Tide can not be used whenever the player wishes, he isn’t as viable on Bind as Viper.

Best Valorant maps for Sentinels
Often used for aggressive lurk plays on attack, Sentinels are incredibly important for protecting teammates from being flanked. On defense, they come into their own, as their abilities are designed around delaying opponents and holding Spike sites.
Best Valorant maps for Chamber
Chamber was incredibly strong upon his addition to the game but has since lost popularity due to nerfs. An agent that is equally as strong when used as a Duelist, his Headhunter and Tour De Force both have serious fragging potential. When playing Chamber, take aggressive duels and use Rendezvous to return to safety.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Chamber:

- Pearl: Chamber is very strong on Pearl because of the B Long position. Best used with an Operator in his hands, Chamber can take aggressive fights to lock down long and use Rendezvous to teleport away. His ultimate ability, Tour De Force, also allows Chamber to do so when he can’t even afford an Operator.
- Haven: Chamber is also strong on Haven because of the multiple Long positions on the map. Just like with Pearl, take aggressive fights with the Operator and teleport away to safety. On defence, use the Trademark to protect Garage and then defend C site with your fragging capabilities.
- Fracture: Chamber is strong on Fracture due to the number of aggressive fights that can be taken. With four different points of the map to choose from, aggressive fights can secure much-needed info. When overwhelmed, simply use Rendezvous to get to safety.
Since his nerfs, Chamber is an agent we only recommend using if you are very confident in your aiming ability. Never a bad pick, you just have to make sure you can rely on yourself to always be at the top of the scoreboard and have an aggressive playstyle.
Best Valorant maps for Sage
Like Chamber, Sage’s abilities mean she can also be used as a defacto Duelist. Not as strong now that her ability to self-heal is reduced, but she is still very strong as part of an aggressive pack. Barrier Orb is a very strong ability, often providing enough time for teammates to rotate when attackers are trying to execute.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Sage:

- Icebox: Sadly, Sage’s best map isn’t currently in rotation. On Icebox there are many tight choke points that Barrier Orb is the perfect size to block. On defence, use Barrier Orb in either Tube or at the entrance to the A site. On attack, use Barrier Orb to create height advantages and catch defenders off guard.
- Split: Sage is one of the best defenders of Mid on Split. Barrier Orb blocks the entirety of Mid, which forces enemies to shoot it and give away info. On attack, use Slow Orb to hold off rotates while your teammates secure Spike plants.
- Haven: Haven is a strong map for Sage because Barrier Orb can be used in multiple places. On defence, try using it in either Garage or across B to slow down attackers and get info.
Sage is a Sentinel best used alongside another Sentinel, as she is weaker at holding sites than Cypher and Killjoy. Avoid using her on Breeze as the map design is too big to get usage out of her abilities.

Best Valorant maps for Deadlock
The newest Sentinel to be added to the game, Deadlock is underpowered compared to other Sentinels and will likely receive updates in the future. Her Barrier Mesh works the same was as Sage’s Barrier Orb, while the Sonic Sensors act as flan protection similar to Chamber’s Trademark.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Deadlock:

- Bind: Bind is a map where people lurk a lot, so the Sonic Sensors can be used effectively to prevent that. On attack, they are also very good at protecting flanks. On defense, use Barrier Mesh to lock down the Showers or Hookah positions.
- Lotus: Deadlock can be used in place of Killjoy on Lotus. Play towards C and use the Barrier Mesh to slow down pushes. Use Sonic Sensors to prevent attackers from entering B.
- Haven: Deadlock can be used effectively towards Garage on Haven. Play towards C with a Sonic Sensor in Garage to alert you of enemies entering. When they enter, use the Barrier Mesh on the tunnel to C to stop them from pushing. On attack, use Sonic Sensors to protect flanks and Barrier Mesh to stop defenders from retaking through an angle.
Deadlock isn’t as strong as other agents, so make sure you practice a lot with her abilities before using her. Avoid using her on Ascent or Breeze as the map design will prevent Barrier Mesh from being that effective.
Best Valorant maps for Killjoy
Killjoy is one of the best Sentinels in Valorant. Her Turret is excellent for gathering information, while the Alarm Bot protects flanks and alerts her as to when to use her Nanoswarm. Killjoy's ultimate, Lockdown, is also very strong in post-plant and retake situations.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Killjoy:

- Ascent: Ascent is a very strong map for Killjoy because you can defend Mid and B without ever having to take gunfights. Use the Alarm Bot to defend Mid, and the Turret to gather info on B to use Nanoswarm when people try to execute.
- Lotus: Similar to Ascent, Killjoy is strong on Lotus because she reduces the need to have gunfights. Play towards C and have your Turret on B so that you get info if the attackers are trying to go B.
- Haven: Killjoy's abilities are very strong on Haven because they allow you to defend multiple positions at once. Mix up the placements of your abilities between B, Garage, and C to become unpredictable and a defensive mastermind.
Killjoy is one of the best Sentinels in the game and is strong on most maps. However, due to the fact her abilities have a range limit, avoid her on Breeze as it is easy to go out of range.
Best Valorant maps for Cypher
Cypher is tied with Killjoy as the best Sentinel in Valorant. His Trap Wires are great for protecting flanks, and unlike Killjoy’s Alarm Bot, don’t have range. On defence, use Trap Wires to highlight enemies and kill them while they’re not looking.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Cypher:

- Breeze: Due to the fact Cypher has unlimited range, he is extra strong on Breeze. Equally as useful on both A and B, there are plenty of angles to place unpredictable and hard-to-break Trap Wires.
- Bind: Similarly to Breeze, Bind has a lot of angles for OP Trap Wires. On defence, try playing in A Lamps with an Odin and place Trap Wires that will allow you to get kills through walls. On attack, make sure the Trap Wires are in place to prevent flanks.
- Sunset: The newest map in the competitive pool, Cypher has so far seen a lot of love on Sunset from professional teams. Use the Trap Wires to delay opponents when pushing your site. On the B Spike site, you can also use a one-way with the Cyber Cage to get easy kills on opponents in B Main.
Cypher is very strong on every map in Valorant due to the lack of range in his abilities. An easy-to-learn agent, master him by learning one-ways with the Cyber Cage.

Best Valorant maps for Initiators
Initiators are some of the most important elements of any Valorant team. Used for both supporting gunfights and clearing out spaces, you can’t expect to have success without a strong Initiator on your team. Initiators are split into three categories: Flash, Recon, and Hybrid.
The first category we will speak about is Flash. These agents are best used as supportive agents for Duelists. They use their flashbang abilities to support executes and fights in the early rounds.
Best Valorant maps for Breach
Breach is the most-played pure flash Initiator. He is also the best Initiator at clearing out space and one of the only ones who can be used in a solo capacity. His Fault Line and After Shock abilities are great for denying space, and can force defenders into uncomfortable gifts on executes.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Breach:

- Sunset: Sunset’s narrow passages make Breach a perfect choice. On attack, his Fault Line and After Shock are perfect for clearing out spots on the A site. On defence, play at the back of B site with a teammate and use Fault Line and Flashpoint to assist them in defending against executes.
- Haven: Breach is best used as a rotator on Haven. Fault Line can be used to help fight for A Lobby control on defence, as well as Garage control. On attack, use Fault Line to stun anyone playing on A long and take the space away from them.
- Split: Just like Sunset, Split has a lot of narrow corridors that make Breach’s abilities strong. Use Fault Line to take B Heaven on attack. On defence, play around either Heaven and use Flashpoint to catch attackers off guard.
Breach is a very strong Initiator but lacks recon. Combine him with Sova or Fade for maximum efficiency. Avoid Breeze as Breach because the large map design nullifies his abilities.
Best Valorant maps for Gekko
The most recent Initiator to be added to the game, Gekko has the unique ability to plant the Spike without being on the site thanks to Wingman. His flashbang ability, Dizzy, is also very strong as a lot of players don’t realise you have to shoot it out in order to not get hit by it.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Gekko:

- Sunset: Gekko is good on Sunset as Wingman allows you to take fights while he plants or defuses the Spike. Dizzy is also good for revealing the locations of hiding enemies when they are flashed.
- Haven: Haven is a good map for Gekko because of the opportunities to fall back and use Mosh Pit to stop defenders from defusing the spike.
- Breeze: Breeze’s open layout benefits Dizzy and it’s ability to flash anyone in line of sight. Similar to Sunset, Wingman also allows the player to prioritise fighting instead of dealing with the Spike.
Gekko is a good Initiator, however, his recon is limited and therefore he shouldn’t be played without a recon Initiator. Also, avoid Split as the verticality and close corners will limit Dizzy’s effectiveness.
The following two Initiators are known as hybrids. This is because they have the ability to be used for both recon purposes and flash purposes.

Best Valorant maps for Skye
Skye has been one of the most popular Initiators since she was added to the game. Nerfs have made her more supportive, but her hybrid capabilities still make her very strong. Her Guiding Light flash ability recharges which is a huge bonus, and her ultimate ability, Seekers, is very good in clutch situations.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Skye:

- Bind: Guiding Light has long-range, and also gives a sound cue when it blinds someone. This makes guiding Light the perfect ability to get early information on Bind. On defence, use Guiding Light to clear out the back of B Long and then use Trailblazer to go through the teleporter and get information in A Showers.
- Breeze: The range and manoeuvrability of Guiding Light make Skye an ideal flash character for Breeze. On defence, fight around A Doors or as a supportive element on B Elbow to maximise the chance of success in early-round aggressive plays.
- Split: Skye is strong on Split due to the manoeuvrability of Guiding Light. Although there are many tight corners, the player can guide the flash around them to ensure someone is blind. On attack, use Trailblazer to spot an enemy and then follow up with Guiding Light to secure the kill.
Skye is one of the strong Initiators in the game and is never a bad choice on any map. Make sure to communicate with your teammates when you are flashing for them and be sure to keep an eye on their health to use Regrowth.
Best Valorant maps for KAY/O
KAY/O is an Initiator that can be used as a defacto Duelist. His FLASH/drive can be underhanded to have devastating effects as a solo play, while ZERO/point is an excellent tool for gathering info as to when to do so. NULL/cmd is also one of the best ultimates in the game, as it denies enemies from using any of their abilities. KAY/O can also be revived when killed during his ultimate, making it extra strong.
Here are the best Valorant maps for KAY/O:

- Ascent: KAY/O is always picked by pro teams on Ascent. This is because his ZERO/point ability is really good at preventing agents like Killjoy from having an effect when defending their Spike site. On defence, use ZERO/point to stop agents from using abilities on rushes. If they still try to rush, use FRAG/ment to stop them in their tracks.
- Breeze: Breeze is a strong map for KAY/O because of the large sites. ZERO/point can be used on the large sites to reduce the number of angles to look at, as it always gives info if players are in its area of activity. On defence, use FLASH/drive to take aggressive duels and NULL/cmd to stop enemy Viper’s from using their Toxic Screen.
- Icebox: While KAY/O can be limited on Icebox without knowledge of lineups for B, he is very strong towards A. On attack, ZERO/point can be used to clear out the entirety of back site, stopping defenders from using abilities to defend pushes.
KAY/O is one of the most versatile Initiators in the game and is perfect for aggressive playstyles. Avoid KAY/O on Split as the number of positions on Spike sites limits the effectiveness of ZERO/point.
The final two Initiators are recon initiators. This means they are used to gather information and support pushes by locating the positions of enemies.
Best Valorant maps for Fade
Fade is a very strong Initiator because of her ability to hold people in place and cause decay. Prowler works very similarly to Skye’s Trailblazer but instead of stunning opponents, it causes a blinding effect. Seize is also an effective ability because it prevents enemies from moving. Fade’s ultimate, Nightfall, is very strong as it both marks and decays enemies.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Fade:

- Pearl: Pearl may not be in the rotation, but it is very strong for Fade. Haunt gets maximum effectiveness on Pearl because of the number of rooftops it can be placed on, while Prowlers can be used to clear out close angles in Mid.
- Sunset: Fade is the perfect recon Initiator for Sunset. Nightfall can be used to completely cover both sites, while Seize can keep people captured in the weakest spots. On defence, play in Market with Fade and use Prowlers to gather information on the enemies' whereabouts in Mid.
- Lotus: Fade is a very strong agent on Lotus because there are many spots where Prowlers can be used to gain information on enemy locations. On defence, use Seize on A Lobby in combination with Raze’s Paint Shells to help Raze get kills.
Fade is a very strong Initiator although she has been weakened by Nerfs. She isn;t as strong as Sova on big maps, so avoid using her on Breeze and Haven.

Best Valorant maps for Sova
Sova is the original recon Initiator who was present when Valorant released. His Recon Bolt is incredibly strong as it acts as a wall hack, which can get you a lot of kills because of how spammable positions are in Valorant. Sova’s abilities work really well together, use Owl Drone combined with Hunter’s Fury in order to guarantee kills.
Here are the best Valorant maps for Sova:

- Ascent: Ascent’s B Main has thin walls, which makes Sova the perfect recon to use on defence. Recon Bolt B Main at the start of a round and use an Ares or Odin to get easy kills on enemies who are behind the wall. On attack, use the Owl Drone to tag an enemy and follow it up with a Hunter’s Fury to secure the kill.
- Breeze: Breeze’s open design is perfect for Sova and his Recon Bolt. On defence, wait for the enemy Viper to put her Toxic Screen up and Recon Bolt behind it in order to get kills on enemies who can’t see you.
- Haven: Haven’s necessity for fast rotations makes Sova and his recon a perfect choice. Switch up your starting position on defence in order to get early information with the Recon Bolt so you can rotate to stack another site. On attack, use the Owl Drone to help your teammates clear angles then fall back to play post-plants with either Shock Darts or Hunter’s Fury.
Now that you have read this article you will know the best maps for each agent in Valorant. Remember, Valorant is a game about mastering agents, so try to stick to one of the categories of Duelist, Controller, Sentinel, and Initiator and learn to play each one well. Being able to play multiple is important, because each map has it’s own meta that makes some stronger than others.
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