Tolerance and equality are increasingly becoming part of the gaming industry, and Riot Games has contributed to promoting LGBTQ+ themes. Valorant is an inclusive game, loved by people worldwide regardless of orientation, because the developers haven't forgotten about the community. Today, our editorial team has prepared a list of all Valorant LGBT characters.
Before we begin, it's worth noting that many players have wondered whether there are LGBTQ+ characters in Valorant at all. The answer is yes. Although the developers have not officially confirmed the orientation of any particular agent, various hints in the game, including voice lines and references in the Valorant lore, suggest this.

Brazilian duelist Tayane Alves, one of the first agents added to Valorant during the beta phase, stands out for her simple yet effective abilities that allow her to easily take down multiple opponents. Initially, the developers did not confirm her orientation, so players were unaware that Raze is a lesbian. In patch 1.05, Riot Games introduced the German defender Killjoy, and after this, the community started speculating about both girls' involvement in the LGBTQ+ community.
The main confirmation of Raze's orientation comes from in-game voice lines she says during matches and when encountering Killjoy.
- "Killjoy! Thanks for letting me borrow your Alarmbot. It’s much better with explosions! Why haven’t you tried this before?”
- "Killjoy, honey, there’s no one else I’d rather fight or dance with.”
- "Killjoy, after this, you wanna tinker with some gadgets?"
- "Killjoy, don’t overthink it! Sometimes, you just need to blow them up.”
- "Killjoy. You and me to the end."

German agent Klara Böhringer, who plays the role of a Sentinel, was added to Valorant in patch 1.05. As mentioned earlier, after her release, players analyzed the voice lines of both girls and concluded that Raze and Killjoy are a couple. In her lines, she refers to Raze as her "little mouse" and invites her over to listen to a new music album together.
- "Raze, I found a new album you absolutely have to listen to! Maybe you... want to come over after the mission? But only if we survive!"
- "Drive them crazy, Raze! You’re the best at it."
- "Take care, Raze."
- "The enemy Raze’s gadgets are just spare parts and duct tape. It’s a miracle she hasn’t blown herself up yet."
- "Sorry, little mouse."
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After numerous questions from the community, Riot Games officially confirmed the relationship between the two heroines. On their Twitter account, the developers posted an image showing Raze and Killjoy kissing at a festival, thus confirming that both girls are Valorant lesbian and part of the LGBTQ+ community. However, some fans speculate that Raze may not only be a lesbian but could also be pansexual, capable of loving anyone regardless of gender, though there is no confirmation of this.

At the moment, these are the only known LGBTQ+ representatives in Valorant. But fans of the game are building theories about a few other agents, which we’ll discuss below.

Theories and Speculations

Aside from official facts, the Valorant community often comes up with its own theories and speculations regarding the Valorant agents sexuality. One such theory involves the agent ISO, one of the most recent additions to the game. A Chinese duelist, ISO appeared in Valorant nearly a year ago, but there is no official information about his connection to the community. However, many fans speculate that ISO might be part of the LGBTQ+ community, based on his behavior and lines from various videos related to the game's lore. But, as mentioned earlier, there is no official information, so fans can only speculate.

Another agent worth mentioning is Clove. The developers have officially confirmed that Clove is a non-binary character and should be referred to using they/them pronouns. This led players to wonder if Clove is part of the LGBTQ+ community. However, there is no answer to this question, as the developers have never officially discussed Clove’s romantic preferences.
Yoru and Phoenix

There’s a theory that the two agents Yoru and Phoenix are in a relationship and are the only Valorant gay characters. Fan speculation is so strong that many consider it canon, with the pair even being called "Yorunix," a blend of both agents' names. Players engage in discussions and create details about their relationship, which can be found on various websites, such as shipping.fandom.com and others.
It’s also worth mentioning that LGBTQ+ fans often criticize Riot Games for the small number of community representatives in Valorant. For example, they point to another Riot Games title, League of Legends, where 12 LGBTQ+ characters are confirmed, compared to only two in Valorant. However, it’s important to understand that League of Legends has over 100 characters, while Valorant has only 25. The smaller number of LGBTQ+ characters may be due to the company itself. In 2011, Chinese corporation Tencent Holdings purchased all shares of Riot Games and became its owner. Since China has a negative attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community, it remains unclear when Valorant will reveal more details about Valorant characters sexuality.
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