Valve changed the CS2 spray pattern for weapons in comparison to CS:GO. Or are they?
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  • 15:57, 14.09.2023

Valve changed the CS2 spray pattern for weapons in comparison to CS:GO. Or are they?

Shooting in CS:GO and Counter-Strike 2 is influenced by two main parameters: recoil and spread. They determine where the bullets will go after the shot. In this article, will help you understand how the spray has changed in CS2 compared to CS:GO.

Recoil (spray) in CS:GO and CS2

If you shoot a full magazine of AK-47 ammunition at a wall, you will see a characteristic pattern of bullet holes on it, which is formed due to the recoil of the gun (see the picture below). At first, some of the bullets will hit the target point, but then the recoil will cause the muzzle of the weapon to move upward and then start to move to the sides. Therefore, simply holding down the left mouse button does not guarantee hitting the target, as most of the bullets fly up and away.


Each time we repeat this action, we will get the same pattern (with slight differences), which is called a spray pattern or recoil pattern. The recoil of weapons in CS:GO and CS2 always remains constant for a particular type of weapon. Different weapons have their own unique spray patterns. However, during continuous shooting, bullets will always hit above the crosshairs of the reticle. An easy way to compensate for the recoil of any weapon is to point the sights downward while firing.

Spread in CS:GO and CS2

The recoil pattern, or spray pattern, remains the same for every weapon in CS:GO and CS2. However, each shot has a slight deviation that can occur in any direction. To illustrate this, we fired two magazines of AK-47 ammunition into a wall and compared the resulting bullet hole patterns.


Although it may seem that there are two different patterns in the picture, this is not the case - it is just the effect of the scatter. So, how exactly do these two factors - recoil and spread - interact in the game?

Each weapon in the game has its own unique recoil pattern during long-range shooting. However, the bullets do not always hit the same point as on the pattern, but can deviate over short distances in random directions. This is the effect of spread. But you can also reduce this scatter if you know how.

Scatter properties:

  • The spread increases while running;
  • The spread when walking on Shift is smaller than when running;
  • Scatter is increased during jumps (exception for SSG 08 - it has perfect accuracy at the top of the jump);
  • The spread decreases when a player sits down;
  • The longer we fire continuously, the more scatter is manifested;
  • Scatter has different meanings for different types of weapons (AWP has almost no scatter in zoom; Negev has the worst scatter in the game, it's simply impossible to control this machine gun during continuous fire);
  • The spread is most noticeable at long distances.
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How has the spray pattern changed in CS2 compared to CS:GO?

Research and comparison of the spray patterns in CS2 and CS:GO show that they remain identical to each other. Although the spray pattern remains the same, there are factors that can create the illusion of differences in CS2. For example, new weapon sounds and changes in audio effects can affect the perception of the spray. These changes can create the perception that the spray "sounds" different when in fact it remains the same.

It is also possible that technical features of CS2, such as the ticker system, may introduce some nuances to the spray pattern. Sometimes balls may not be counted due to differences in the player's and server's view. This can lead to situations where the player sees that his shots hit the target, but the server does not take them into account.

Bottom line

In general, despite some innovations and sensations, the spray patterns and shooting mechanics in CS2 and CS:GO remain similar and require the same skills and understanding from players. Practicing and learning the spray will continue to be important elements of success for anyone who wants to achieve outstanding performance in the world of Valve's shooter.

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