Snax: "I have really good impressions about the team"
  • Interviews

  • 17:45, 22.07.2024

Snax: "I have really good impressions about the team"

New G2 captain Janusz “Snax” Pogorzelski, after finishing Esports World Cup 2024 in Riyadh, despite losing to Natus Vincere, showed the great potential of the new squad. Snax shared his thoughts on the team's performance and future goals in an interview with HLTV.

I'm happy and sad at the same time. Losing in the finals is not pleasant, I can say that I have very good impressions about the team, how we play, what kind of players I have and how they understand the game
he said
We played each card four or five times before the tournament. Obviously, it was minor preparation.
he said regarding pre-tournament preparation

Discussing their performance on the Inferno map, Snax admitted that it was not their best map due to lack of practice.

Maybe it's not the stress, but we didn't play that map that much
he said
He's a really nice guy, funny and eager to play
Snax about malbsMd
I know I have good guys on my team. If we keep working hard, it will even be easier for me to give teams away
he said
TaZ has surprised me as a coach. I really enjoy working with him now
shared Snax
My main goal is to show what I can as a captain, good strategies and teams. To be in as many finals as possible and win them
Snax set clear goals for the season
We have really good potential with these players right now. So my goal is to lead these guys
concluded Snax

The next tournament for the new G2 squad will be BLAST Premier: Fall Groups 2024, which will take place from July 29 to August 4 in Copenhagen. The tournament will have a prize pool of $190,000 and G2 will play their first match against NIP on July 31.


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