Rumors: Falcons are aiming to acquire NiKo, m0NESY and Twistzzz
  • Transfers

  • 22:34, 06.10.2023

Rumors: Falcons are aiming to acquire NiKo, m0NESY and Twistzzz

Unconfirmed information has appeared on the network that the Saudi Arabian cybersports club Falcons is going to buy out three star players from the tier-1 roster. The organization's field of interest includes G2 and FaZe players.

French insider KRL's sources claim that the Falcons intend to create a "super team" in 2024. To do so, the club is aiming to sign Russell "Twistzz" Van, Ilya "m0NESY" Osipov and Nikola "NiKo" Kovač.

There is no word on what stage the negotiations are at, or if they are even underway.

Earlier, Vitality coach Danny "zonic" Sørensen confirmed the move to Falcons. The Danishman will receive a salary higher than 99% of professional Counter-Strike cyber athletes.

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