All debutants of Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024
All debutants of Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024

Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024 will host a record number of debutants at the Major over the past two years. This tournament will feature 25 players on such a big stage for the first time, making it a special event in the modern history of esports.

Among the debutants are malbsMd, ultimate, snow, insani, Maka, Djoko, Ex3rcice, Graviti, Sonic, phzy, susp, JBa, MATYS, ztr, Tauson, sl3nd, FL4MUS, HeavyGod, fear, zeRRoFIX, jambo, s-chilla, jackasmo, L1haNg, and ChildKing, which confirms the significant growth of new talent in the Counter-Strike 2 discipline.

Comparison with historical majors

The record for the number of debutants is held by the first DreamHack Winter 2013 Major, where 80 new players made their first steps. However, modern Majors have fewer new faces, as the scene has become more stable and competition for places has increased significantly.

A significant number of debutants were recorded at PGL Stockholm 2021, the first major tournament after the COVID-19 era, when 60 newcomers competed for a place in the sun. For comparison, the anti-record belongs to DreamHack Open Cluj-Napoca 2015, where only 3 players made their debut, including the now legendary NiKo, EliGE, and FugLy.

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Why is it important?

This trend indicates the active development of new players who are eager to prove their skills on the international stage. Debutants often become the future stars of the scene, shaping the face of esports for years to come.

Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024 promises to be not only an exciting tournament, but also the start of a new era for many talents. Among them are malbsMd, Maka, Djoko, HeavyGod, zeRRoFIX, and insani. Will they become the new NiKo or EliGE? Time will tell, but their journey to the esports Olympus begins now.

Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024 takes place from November 30 to December 15 in China. 

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