cadiaN spoke about the worst aspect of the life of an esports player in CS:GO

cadiaN spoke about the worst aspect of the life of an esports player in CS:GO

Heroic captain spoke about the main problem in the organization of tournaments.

Captain and sniper of Heroic Kasper cadiaN Møller shared his opinion about the worst part of the life of a professional in CS:GO.

Worst part of being a CS:GO pro? Catering. I hope that tournament operators will become active soon, traveling more than 150 days a year with bad food is hard.
Casper cadiaN Möller

What is cadiaN talking about?

Heroic captain was primarily talking about the poor quality of the food provided by the tournament operators. At the same time, cadiaN does not blame the tournament operators for the problems, but rather lies in the logistics and inconstancy of locations, which makes it difficult to find good suppliers.

Therefore, teams often order food through various deliveries, which costs a huge amount of money.

CadiaN's words about the poor quality of food were also confirmed by other players.

It has always been bad. When I went to tournaments, they only served fried food and pizza.
Mikail Maikelele Bill
Potatoes and dry meat, what could be better
Christopher dexter Nong

Do tournament operators trying to fix a problem?

cadiaN stated that the tournament organizators are aware of the problem and ESL is already working on it by improving catering. However, the Dane did not mention the food at BLAST tournaments, which may indicate problems with this operator.

However, apparently, the organizers are really fighting for the quality of the players' meals.

Why is nutrition so important?

As cadiaN wrote, professionals spend more than 150 days a year on gaming trips and cannot afford to eat homemade healthy food. Systematic poor nutrition is bad for health, and in addition to not being the healthiest sport, cyber athletes also cannot get a healthy diet.

This affects both the level of the game and the average length of a career, which can be significantly reduced because of this issue. Therefore, tournament operators need to urgently attend to this problem, because its influence lasts for years.

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