It's no secret that in all competitive games there have always been, are, and will be dishonest players. Instead of honing their gaming skills, they resort to cheats, bots, and other forbidden software. Despite the fact that Riot Games has put a lot of effort into the anti-cheat for Valorant, making it rare to encounter opponents with cheats such as aimbot and wallhack in competitive mode, dealing with game bots proves to be more difficult. Recently, the trend of using bots is becoming more popular, so they can be encountered in games at most ranks, starting from Iron, ending with Immortal, or even Radiant.
Recently, well-known content creator and YouTuber RemValorant shared a video in which players encountered five bots.
There are AFK Bots in Competetive Currently Ruining Low Elo games, they are leveling up accounts to sell & FF at Round 5 everytime.. @PlayVALORANT #VALORANT pic.twitter.com/WSK91NRMlg
— Rem (@RemValorant) July 15, 2023
Bots are usually used for leveling up an account and grinding character contracts. The player launches a bot and goes about their business, while the bot does everything else. The functionality of modern bots is quite extensive, they independently search for a match, choose a certain hero, drop weapons, move around the map, and use abilities. All for the sake of not getting kicked out of the game for being AFK.
Since after patch 7.0 character contracts no longer level up during the game, and are bought with the new Kingdom currency, bots are usually used to level up an account in order to unlock the ranking mode.
Other Valorant players have joined RemValorant and started sharing their experience of encountering bots.
YouTuber ParkerPOW2 and his friends also encountered five bots.
ok so i found a clip and I got their tags. (just ignore our reactions) The tags are...
— ParkerTheEpicGamer (@ParkerPOW2) July 15, 2023
Hope this helps :) pic.twitter.com/qaOWa16cRk
In this example, there are 2 real players, and the rest are bots. Pay attention to the nicknames.

Unfortunately, bots are used not only for leveling up an account but also for climbing to high ranks. Players trick the matchmaking system and end up against their own five bots, after which they easily win and boost their rank. Several such examples were provided by Twitter users, complaining that bot farms are breaking the ranking system, players' hidden rating is rising, and queues for searching matches are getting longer.
These screenshots show accounts with a Radiant rank that were obviously leveled up using bots, as such a win rate is impossible to achieve in fair play.

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