The fourth season of World of Warcraft Dragonflight was the final one before the release of the next expansion, The War Within. Along with minor changes, including Awakened raids and Mythic dungeons, players received a new in-game currency — Antique Bronze Bullion.
It is used to purchase a variety of raid equipment, upgrade legendary weapons and cosmetic items. In other words, it is a very necessary thing to level up your character to make him stronger in the current season. We can assume that these Bronze Bullions are a direct replacement for the Puzzling Cartel Dinar currency, which was present in World of Warcraft Shadowlands. In this WoW bronze bullion guide, we will tell you about Antique Bronze Bullion farming and where you can spend it.
What is WoW Antique Bronze Bullion?
Antique Bronze Bullion is a new special currency that was introduced in the fourth season of World of Warcraft Dragonflight, which is needed to buy the best raid equipment, trinkets, weapons, and upgrades. In addition, Bronze Bullion can be used to purchase transmogs of equipment and weapons, as well as the Jig-glesworth Sr.
Each week, players receive one Antique Bronze Bullion and each week the cap on the amount of currency received also increases by one, allowing players to catch up if they missed a week of play.

How to get Antique Bronze Bullion WoW
Players can get the special currency of the fourth season of WoW Dragonflight by completing certain types of group content. Among the known ways to get Antique Bronze Bullion are:
- Awakened raids;
- complete Mythic+ dungeons;
- participate in ranked PvP;
- complete weekly world quests
For example, you can get Antique Bronze Bullion currency by completing the Emissary of War quest. To do this, you need to complete four dungeons at the Mythic difficulty level. For this, you will receive two Antique Bronze Bullion.
You can earn a total of 20 Antique Bronze Bullion units, and only this amount can be spent. Therefore, you should plan in advance and think about what you want to buy or upgrade and whether you really need this item. For comparison, in the days of WoW Shadowlands, each player could have only 3 Puzzling Cartel Dinar units per character. So 20 Antique Bronze Bullion is quite a lot to buy various necessary items. In addition, previously, the sources of currency were limited, as Cartel Dinar was obtained only from one-time quests. This time, players have more ways to get Bronze Bullion.

How to spend Antique Bronze Bullion?
Most items that can be purchased with the new currency cost two Antique Bronze Bullion or more. You can spend them at the merchants we'll mention below to purchase the necessary powerful raid items and cosmetic looks from Awakened mode. You can also spend the currency on legendary weapons and their upgrades to make you stronger. We also mentioned that you have the opportunity to purchase the Jigglesworth, Sr. mount from the fourth season of Shadowland. So, if you haven't played the previous expansion or didn't have the opportunity to get this animal, this time you can add a new mount to your collection.

Antique Bronze Bullion vendors
In Waldrakken, you can find vendors who sell items using the Antique Bronze Bullion currency. They can be found in The Parting Glass building, which can be found at /way 73.8, 47.4. A variety of vendors can be found here:
- Iszy — sells items and weapons from the Vault of the Incarnates raid. Among the interesting items are Seal of Diurna's Chosen and Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky.
- Iszinormi is a humanoid version that sells items and weapons from the Abberus, The Shadowed Crucible raid. Among the interesting equipment items you can find here are Voice of the Silent Star and Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood. Players of the Evokers race can purchase Scale of Awakening and improve Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy.
- Iszinormi is a dragon version that sells items and weapons from the Amirdrassil, The Dreams Hope raid. Here you can buy the Ouroboreal Necklet. For death knights, paladins, and warriors, you can get Scale of Awakening to upgrade Fyr'alath the Dreamrender.
- Mirioszin — cosmetic items and mounts. Here we recommend taking Dream Raider's Replica Dreambinder and Vault Raider's Frozen Crusher.
- Harrostrasza — set equipment.
- Runaagos — equipment voted for by players.
Thanks to these merchants, players can purchase the necessary equipment to go on more difficult raids and dungeons and enjoy the last season of the current expansion before The War Within.

What you can buy with Antique Bronze Bullion
Most items of equipment, transmog and everything else, with some exceptions, can be purchased for the price of two Antique Bronze Bullion. The items you choose to buy are primarily determined by you: your needs, your personal choice in cosmetic appearance, and the need to spend currency on a particular item. You should also take into account the limitations of the number of items that can be purchased, which are determined by the upper limit of 20 Antique Bronze Bullion. We mentioned some recommended items for purchase when writing about sellers and their products. However, the choice of purchases can be tailored to each of the classes and specialisations. Here are some examples:
Blood Death Knight
- Scale of Awakening
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Manic Grieftorch
- Storm-Eater's Boon
- Seal of Filial Duty
Havoc Demon Hunter
- Thorncaller Claw
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Elementium Pocket Anvil
- Manic Grieftorch
- Cataclysmic Signet Brand
Feral Druid
- Djaruun, Pillar of the Elder Flame
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Seal of Filial Duty
- Ashes of the Embersoul
Devastation Evoker
- Scale of Awakening
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Voice of the Silent Star
- Seal of Filial Duty
Beast Mastery Hunter
- Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky
- Whispering Incarnate/ Manic Grieftorch / Ominous Chromatic Essence
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Seal of Filial Duty
- Voice of the Silent Star
Fire Mage
- Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Belor'relos, the Suncaller
- Voice of the Silent Star
- Augury of the Primal Flame
Mistweaver Monk
- Quake-Detecting Seismostaff
- Smoldering Seedling
- Neltharion's Call to Dominance
- Rashok's Molten Heart
- Belor'relos, the Suncaller
Retribution Paladin
- Scale of Awakening для Fyr'alath the Dreamrender
- Elementium Pocket Anvil
- Cataclysmic Signet Brand / Ashes of the Embersoul
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Voice of the Silent Star
Discipline Priest
- Ominous Chromatic Essence
- Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno
- Ward of Faceless Ire
Assassination Rogue
- Ashes of the Embersoul
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Cruel Dreamcarver
- Manic Grieftorch
- Voice of the Silent Star
Restoration Shaman
- Ominous Chromatic Essence
- Screaming Black Dragonscale
- Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle
- Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
Demonology Warlock
- Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle
- Belor'relos, the Suncaller
- Nymue's Unraveling Spindle
- Voice of the Silent Star
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
Fury Warrior
- Scale of Awakening
- Seal of Diurna's Chosen
- Augury of the Primal Flame
- Voice of the Silent Star
- Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood
- Cataclysmic Signet Brand
- Seal of Filial Duty