The red card in Rust serves as an entry ticket to more restricted and higher-value locations, like high-level bunkers and radiation monuments.
Following are the major functions of the red card.
Launch Site Bunker Entrance
the red card opens the monuments, one of the most protected and important combined monuments on an island with really valuable resources, loot, and stuff included.
Higher-Level Radiation Monuments
The red card is also needed for more complicated monuments with better quality loot and offering a chance at getting resources or equipment of value.
Access to more complex scientific centers
The red card is able to open special scientific laboratories, which usually have high levels of radiation and large reserves.

Where to Find It

The red card in Rust is located in several places, and its retrieval requires overcoming some difficulties. A red card allows going to high-level zones with good loot.
Following are the main places from which the red card can be obtained:
Take two fuses and two cards. Light fuses and use cards on appropriate doors, the red card is in an office next to the computer.
First, activate the fuse in the garage. The blue card opens the door to the main building. The red card is lying on a table. Water Treatment Plant: You'll also want to have a fuse and the blue card here. Once the systems are turned on, you can go in and grab the red card.
Military Tunnels
These require radiation protection, weapons, bandages, and cards of different levels-green, blue, and red-to get through. There are good resources to be found here, with a few puzzles allowing you to access the real treasures.
Be careful when you get the red card, as these places are usually guarded by bots or other players. Summary The red card opens the most complex and protected places in Rust, like top-secret bunkers and monuments with high radiation. It gives access to laboratories, scientific centers, and areas with high-quality loot. To get it, players need to pass certain challenges, including activating fuses and using cards of different levels in locations like the airfield, depot, and military tunnels. However, beware: most of these zones have very high radiation and are patrolled either by bots or other players; this makes access to the red card valuable but not without risk.