Gold is an important and integral part of World of Warcraft. It can be spent among in-game NPCs as well as between players, thereby shaping the game's economy. Thanks to gold, you can purchase many useful and cool items: equipment, consumables, potions, transmogs, combat and riding animals, and much more.
The new season, Season of Discovery, is another adventure for players, opening up many activities for them to need a lot of funds to buy good equipment and weapons and go in search of new adventures. That's why it's important to know how to farm gold in WoW SoD Phase 3
Mob Grinding
The most obvious and banal way to earn gold is to farm mobs. Killing enemy NPCs usually results in a certain amount of coins dropping. And if you spend a few hours on this task, you can earn a bit of what is called raw gold. The amount of coins you can get per mob depends on the location and the difficulty level of the mob. So starting locations and low-level mobs will give less gold, specifically copper, while more difficult opponents drop silver and occasionally gold coins. However, this method won't make you much, as your main income will come from other activities.

Item Selling
Killing mobs not only yields gold but also items, resources, consumables, etc., which you can use as needed or sell to an NPC trader or another player directly, or through auction. It's worth noting that different items also have different values, so it's important to find the best WoW Classic SoD Phase 3 gold farming routes. Here you will also need gathering professions to obtain more additional materials that can be sold.
Feralas - mostly in this territory, mobs are farmed, skins are removed from creatures (for this you need the profession of leathercrafting), and quests are completed. Items accumulated here are mostly junk, which can be sold to in-game NPCs. To avoid selling everything manually, you can use addons for World of Warcraft Classic to automate this process.
Felwood — one of the best locations to get more gold, especially thanks to the farm of Felcloth. This item has a drop chance of 8%, and it's used to create Mooncloth and other items. It is beneficial to have the tailoring profession so that you can later process the obtained material and sell the items at a higher price. Also, in this zone, you can get Runecloth with a chance of 46%. Since this item is easy to get and quite valuable, during farming time you can earn a decent amount from 20 to 50 gold. Mainly, you will have to kill satyrs for these items. The level of enemies in this location averages 53. And if you are sufficiently levelled, you will have no problems in Felwood.

Another item you can collect here is Essence of Water. The drop chance for this item is only 6%, and it can be sold for a large sum of gold. For this, you will need to fight water elementals. If you don't have enough strength to cope alone, you can enlist the support of a friend and go farming together. Or stock up on food or other types of health restoration and poisons to deal periodic damage to enemies.
Western Plaguelands — a territory for farming spiders, from which you can obtain Iron Web Spider Silk, which is great for selling.
Eastern Plaguelands is populated with Plaguebats, for which you will receive silver and a lot of ordinary items, which are not a pity to sell. This is one of the best areas for farming gold. In an hour, you can earn 60-80 gold.
Arathi Highlands — another location worth visiting to kill elementals for rare and valuable resources such as Elemental Water and Solid Stone. In addition, you can farm other local creatures to earn raw gold Thundering Charm, and other items for sale. Another good item worth collecting here is Silk Cloth, used in tailoring and first aid, thus becoming a valuable resource. On average, you can farm 50-70 gold per hour.

Tanaris Desert - the most southern location of this zone called Land's End Beach is populated with a large number of turtles, which are just waiting for you to farm them. Leathercrafting will be very useful here, as the materials you get from turtles are very valuable for various professions in the current phase.
Azshara is great for farming golden pearls, which will guarantee you gold coins. This area is populated by nagas, which you can easily handle. Spending a few hours of your time, you can earn a good amount, both from selling pearls and from other finds from mollusks. Here you also have the opportunity to farm and sell Felcloth.
Zul’Farrak dungeon remains one of the best and most profitable, both for farming gold and collecting good items. Druids, paladins, and warriors are suitable for passing it, as well as characters with AoE abilities, which will help kill packs of mobs faster. On average, you can earn from 100 to 200 gold per hour, as well as rare equipment items, which, by the way, can also be sold at auction to other players. It's very profitable to pass it, considering the time spent, and at the same time, it won't be as boring as regular mob farming. These and many other spots are the best WoW gold farming locations phase 3.

Waylaid Supplies Task
One of the ways to earn gold in WoW SoD Phase 3 is to complete world tasks, Waylaid Supplies. During the game, you can find special boxes, the description of which will indicate the name and quantity of the item you need to collect it. After you deliver this item to the appropriate NPC, you will receive rewards, including gold. The more such tasks you complete, the higher the price may be for the next operation.

Best Professions for Farming Gold
Making gold with professions in WoW Classic is one of the best ways to reach your goal. Herbalism allows you to gather various herbs in the expanses of Azeroth, which can be used for cooking and alchemy. Some herbs are harder or longer to gather than others and therefore have demand. And as we know, the higher the demand, the higher the price at which you can sell these resources to other players. They use them for their purposes: potions, food, etc. Some people find it easier to pay for these materials, like Black Lotus, rather than gather them themselves. Therefore, it's important to know which plants are the most valuable, where they grow, and how to optimize the path for their collection, to then have a profit.
Mining — a profession that allows you to gather ores, which can be used in blacksmithing or engineering. Like herbs, some ores such as Arcane Crystal and Thorium Ore are highly valued, and therefore the market price for them will be higher, which means that you can earn from it.
Leathercrafting compared to the previous professions is not as profitable, but if you know which materials to collect and where exactly you can do it, then spending a few hours you can gather enough material for sale.
Fishing allows you to spend time at a relaxed pace, catching fish and selling it and other accompanying treasures that you manage to catch from the water bodies. In the best case, you can earn about 20-40 gold per hour on this type of activity.

Tips for Earning Gold in WoW SoD
Dungeons are one of the best options for farming gold and valuable items. Undoubtedly, passing them in the company is much easier and faster, however, if you do not have such an opportunity or you are counting on independently earning gold, then this advice may come in handy. The thing is that in World of Warcraft, you can climb on some ledges where enemies can't reach you, and their behaviour remains strange as if they continue to search for you. In this way, you can "manage them": collect large packs of enemies, lead them to long distances, and farm using AoE abilities, while not receiving damage.
Stock up on bags with a large number of item slots and clear space from junk to the maximum. This way you can choose the most suitable point for you to farm the necessary resource and collect it to the maximum, to then sell it and get more profit.
Buy cheap - sell more expensive. The concept sounds simple and logical, but in practice, you need to prepare for it, especially if you have not dealt with the auction before. Your main task is to buy an item from another player at a cheaper price than it is. Such cases are not uncommon. Players often sell items cheaper just to sell an unwanted item and get gold as soon as possible. As soon as you manage to buy such goods, then start monitoring the market: how much the item will cost now and whether they are willing to buy it.
Dive underwater in search of treasure chests. Often there may be an interesting item that can be sold to someone.
Manufacturing and selling consumables is another source of earning gold in World of Warcraft Classic. Such items as mana potions, health potions, buff elixirs, and scrolls are constantly in demand among various players. The main thing is to analyze the server market to determine which items and materials are most often needed. After that, choose the necessary profession and go in search of and collect these resources, create consumables, and sell them. Sometimes you may spend to buy materials yourself from which you will craft items and sell them more expensively.

Summing up, there are many ways to farm gold in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. The main thing is to choose the one that will be interesting to you and bring you the most profit. Therefore, use only the best locations to farm more expensive items, master the most profitable professions, and evaluate the market to sell items most profitably.