In Minecraft, books are important items used for enchanting, crafting bookshelves, and record-keeping. Since this game item is quite significant, this guide will teach you how to craft a book in Minecraft and everything you need for it.
Materials Needed to Craft a Book
To craft a book in Minecraft, you will need two key items: paper (3 sheets) and leather (1 piece). Let's see how to gather these materials.
Step 1: Gathering Sugar Cane (for crafting paper)
Paper is made from sugar cane, a tall green plant that grows near water like rivers, oceans, or lakes. You can find sugar cane in most biomes with water.
- Find sugar cane growing along the banks of water bodies.
- Break the sugar cane blocks. Each block gives you one sugar cane.
- Take the sugar cane to the crafting table to make paper.

To create paper, open the crafting table and place three sugar canes in a horizontal row in the middle. This will give you three sheets of paper.

Step 2: Gathering Leather
Leather is another crucial component for crafting a book. The easiest way to obtain leather is by killing cows, horses, donkeys, or llamas.
- Find cows or other animals that drop leather in your world (they typically spawn in plains or forest biomes).
- Kill the animals to drop leather (cows are the most reliable, dropping 0-2 pieces of leather).
- Collect at least one piece of leather.

How to Craft a Book in Minecraft
Now that you have the necessary ingredients — three sheets of paper and one piece of leather — you can craft a book.
To make a book:
- Open the crafting table (3x3 grid).
- Place three sheets of paper in any slots.
- Put one piece of leather in any other slot.
The book will appear in the output slot. Drag it into your inventory, and now you can use it.

What Can You Do with a Book in Minecraft?
After crafting a book, you can use it for various purposes:
Making Bookshelves
Bookshelves are decorative blocks that enhance the power of an enchantment table. To make a bookshelf, you need six wooden planks and three books. Arrange them in the crafting table with the books in the middle row and planks in the top and bottom rows.
Enchanting Books
Books can be enchanted on an enchantment table, allowing you to store powerful enchantments. You can later apply these enchantments to other items using an anvil.
Creating a Written Book (Book and Quill)
If you want to create a writable book, you'll need to craft a Book and Quill. For this, you'll need a book, an ink sac (dropped by squids), and a feather (dropped by chickens). With this item, you can write text and create stories or notes within the game.
Trading with Villagers
In Minecraft, some librarian villagers will trade books for emeralds, which can be a useful way to acquire emeralds for trading other valuable items.

Additional Tips for Crafting Books in Minecraft
➤ Sugar Cane Farm: To have a consistent supply of paper, create a sugar cane farm near a water source. Plant the sugar cane along the water, and it will grow up to three blocks high. You can harvest it and let it grow again.
➤ Leather Alternatives: If you're struggling to find cows or horses for leather, you can also find leather in certain loot chests, particularly in villages or dungeons.
➤ Trading with Villagers: If you don't want to craft books yourself, some librarian villagers will trade them directly for emeralds.