Black Myth: Wukong — All Buddha's Eyeballs Location
  • Gaming

  • 17:29, 21.08.2024

Black Myth: Wukong — All Buddha's Eyeballs Location

Buddha's Eyeballs are special collectible items in Chapter 2 of the game Black Myth: Wukong. These items can be obtained by interacting with specific stone statue heads that contain these eyes. In total, there are six pairs of Buddha's Eyeballs in Black Myth: Wukong, and they are used to summon the optional boss, Shigandang. In this article, we'll discuss where to find all the Buddha's Eyes and how to use them.

Buddha's Eyeballs Location #1

The first pair of Buddha's Eyes can be found in Chapter 2, in the location called Fright Cliff. If you've already been there, teleport to the Squall Hideout Shrine, turn around, and move forward a bit until you reach the statue head from which you can obtain the Buddha's Eyes.

Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #1
Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #1

Buddha's Eyeballs Location #2

In the same location, head to the left of the Squall Hideout Shrine and proceed toward the cliff with wooden scaffolding, where a few enemies are present. Climb the stairs to the top of the structure, move forward, and you'll find another statue head containing Buddha's Eyes.

Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyes #2
Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyes #2
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Buddha's Eyeballs Location #3

The third pair of Buddha's Eyeballs is also located nearby. Once again, head to the Squall Hideout Shrine, turn left, and stay close to the nearby cliff. Climb the stone stairs and continue until you reach another statue head with Buddha's Eyes. Be cautious of enemies along the way; you can either defeat them or quickly run past them.

Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #3
Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #3

Buddha's Eyeballs Location #4

Once again, start at the Squall Hideout Shrine. Turn right from the shrine, passing through a rocky crevice. Continue forward, bypassing a stone statue, and you'll see a candle-lit area with a stone altar in front of which is another pair of Buddha's Eyeballs.

Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #4
Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #4

Buddha's Eyeballs Location #5

To find the next pair of Buddha's Eyes, head to the Rockrest Flat Shrine in the same Fright Cliff location. Turn around in the opposite direction (straight from the shrine) and proceed under the cliff ahead. Turn right and climb the slope.

At the first turn, go left, then straight, and then turn right. You should come out onto the outer side of a rocky ledge. You'll see the statue head there. Likewise, you may need to defeat a boss first to safely collect the Buddha's Eyeballs.

Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #5
Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyeballs #5
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Buddha's Eyeballs Location #6

The sixth and final pair of Buddha's Eyeballs is as easy to find as the first. Head to Rockrest Flat again, take the path to the left, and you'll immediately see a statue head with the Black Myth: Wukong Buddha's eyes.

Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyes #6
Black Myth: Wukong — Buddha's Eyes #6

How to Use Buddha's Eyeballs in Black Myth: Wukong

The eyes are required to summon the optional boss, Shigandang. To do this, you need to collect all the Buddha's Eyeballs in Black Myth: Wukong and insert them into a large stone slab with faces carved into it. Finding this slab is also straightforward.

To reach it, head back to Rockrest Flat and take the left path (the same path where you can find the sixth pair of eyes). Walk under the square arch, and you'll immediately see the large stone.

Stone to Summon the Shigandang Boss
Stone to Summon the Shigandang Boss

If you haven't been here before, you'll need to defeat the Vanguard boss first. If you've already done so, simply approach the slab and interact with it to summon Shigandang and challenge him. The boss is not particularly difficult but quite resilient. If you're a fan of Souls-like games, this opponent shouldn't pose much of a problem.

Defeating the Shigandang boss will reward you with several items, including:

  • 1652 Experience Points
  • 1371 Will Points
  • One Mind Core
  • Two Yaoguai Cores
  • 3 units of Silk
  • A Stone Heart (used to craft the Cloud-Patterned Stone Staff, which provides a strong defense buff)
  • A collectible item: Skandha of Feeling
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