How to Get Mythic Keystone Achievements
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  • 10:07, 16.04.2024

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How to Get Mythic Keystone Achievements

World of Warcraft players spend hundreds or even thousands of hours enjoying the full range of content offered to them by the players. Most of the time, fans spend on the origin of various dungeons, raids, bosses, and other events, at the end of which many unique and interesting rewards await. Some may spend a lot of time trying to get the relevant in-game achievements, some of which are the seasonal master and hero key achievements called Keystone.

What are Keystone's achievements?

Keystone achievements are a special group of four-tiered achievements awarded to players for completing Mythic+ dungeons. These achievements include the following titles: Keystone Explorer, Keystone Conqueror, Keystone Master, and the highest level — Keystone Hero.

For each of these achievements, the player will receive an additional unique reward that will only reinforce the significance of the effort and time spent.  However, these rewards can only be obtained during the respective season.

The most difficult achievements and the best rewards can be obtained for the last two levels: Keystone Master (KSM) and Keystone Hero (KSH).

KSH and KSM achievements
KSH and KSM achievements

How to get the Keystone Explorer and Keystone Conqueror achievements

The easiest achievement in this category is KSE. It can be obtained for 750 ranking points when completing Mythic+ dungeons. For a skilled WoW player, this won't be a difficult task, because, despite the complexity of the dungeon, the player will need to use their usual skills in the game. For the KSC achievement, you need to complete the dungeon level 10 or higher within the allotted time and get 1500 points in the overall rating.

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How to get the Keystone Master WoW achievement

To get this achievement, you need to complete a Mythic+ dungeon at key level 15 or higher and reach the 2000 rating mark at this difficulty level. This is not an easy task, as dungeons of this level are extremely difficult. It requires to be coordinated and responsible play from all members of your group. The main obstacle is the affixes, which give the dungeon and its inhabitants additional elements and buffs that will become the main obstacle for the player.

How to get the Keystone Hero WoW achievement

The most difficult achievement of this group, which grants you the title of Keystone Hero, can be obtained when your rating threshold for completing the Mythic+ dungeon crosses the 2500 rating threshold. There is no limit to the treasure, achievement, and glory hunters, so the most dedicated fans or perfectionists will try to get it as well. Which is the highest level of challenge that a player will face. After all, this requires very cohesive work of all team members, and almost perfect knowledge of mechanics, timing, and various gameplay nuances.

Boss in the Mythic+ dungeon
Boss in the Mythic+ dungeon

What is the difficulty of getting achievements?

The principle of obtaining the respective achievements is the same — to get the appropriate rating level and high level of difficulty of a Mythic+ dungeon. The main problem is that getting them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, especially for unprepared players.

Mythic+ dungeons have special conditions that make them more difficult to complete, mainly due to affixes that change constantly depending on the season and week. Affixes are special modifiers that change the dungeons and their conditions in a certain way, which makes them more difficult to pass. They usually give dungeon dwellers additional health, damage, and resistance to certain effects; add new bosses or mobs with their characteristics and abilities; and modify some mechanics, which makes players have to adapt to new conditions. The most profitable, though complicated, are such types of affixes as Tyrannical and Fortified.

The Tyrannical affix gives enemies an additional +30% health and +15% damage from themselves and the mobs they summon. Therefore, in this case, you need heroes and abilities that are strong enough and survivable.

Fortified is similar to the previous affix but with slightly different characteristics. Health increases by 20% and damage by 30%.

Your final ranking, which is required to obtain achievements, is based on your current affixes: the more difficult the affix, the more ranking points you will have. In addition to these, the level of the dungeon also has an impact. By completing more difficult key levels and meeting the time limits on them, the points for completing them also increase.

Party in the Mythic+ dungeon
Party in the Mythic+ dungeon
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Keystone Master and Keystone Hero Achievements Guide and Tips

  • For best results, it is recommended that you complete each dungeon of the current season on both of the above affixes. Thus, clearing them, especially during the first playthrough, will give you a good increase in ranking points and bring you closer to the desired goal.
  • If you are a fairly experienced WoW player and have a good team with whom you can go to the dungeon, the whole process will be easier. As you will be able to coordinate your actions more easily and listen to each other. Stock up on the necessary items, potions, and food that you will need during the game.
  • Choose a higher level of the dungeon to get more rating points. It is advisable to start from level 15+, which will give you a chance to knock out the required maximum achievement for completing Mythic Plus.
  • Complete the dungeons quickly enough, the more time you have left, the more points you will be rewarded with at the end.
  • To get the Keystone Master achievement, you require 2000 rating points, which can be obtained by completing all dungeons on both Fortified and Tyrannical affixes, on the 15th difficulty key.
  • The latter achievement will require more time and effort, but don't forget that dungeons can be combined in any way you like. This means that you can immediately select more difficult dungeons of level 17 or higher.
  • Don't forget that some specializations may work better in Mythic+ dungeons, so take this into account before you go. Of course, healers, and tanks that can absorb damage to the maximum and support each other's vitality will always be important. Characters that can deal a lot of damage to numerous mobs are also very practical, as you can clear them out faster, which will save time for additional rating points.

Rewards for achievements

Not only do the coveted achievements prove your skill in World of Warcraft, but they also allow you to receive rewards. For Keystone Master, you will receive the Verdant Armoredon mount and the Emerald Mark of Mastery gem. For Keystone Hero, you will receive the Emerald Blossom Dreamstone visual effect for some types of Amirdrassil set.

Prize mountain Verdant Armoredon
Prize mountain Verdant Armoredon
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