Valorant Imperium skin bundle: Overview, Price, and Release Date
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  • 17:50, 27.08.2023

Valorant Imperium skin bundle: Overview, Price, and Release Date

On August 27th, Riot Games provided influencers with exclusive access to a server showcasing an upcoming update featuring a new skin bundle soon to be available in the store. In this article, you will find a review of these skins, their cost, the date they will be launched on the main server, and an interesting tidbit.

The new bundle is named "Imperium" and is themed around a mystical green dragon. Each skin, apart from the standard green shade, features three additional variants: ruby, pearl, and obsidian. This collection boasts the highest rarity level - "Exclusive Edition". Included in this set are skins for the following weapons and additional items:

  • Sheriff
  • Vandal
  • Judge
  • Operator
  • Knife
  • Player card
  • Spray
  • Gun Buddy

Apart from the various colorings, the new skin set incorporates unique sounds, animations, and finishers where a mystical dragon of the same skin color appears on the map. To get a detailed look at these features, you can watch the video provided above.


Updated. The entire bundle is priced at 8,700 VP, which is more cost-effective than purchasing each skin separately. By buying the entire set at once, you receive the knife, player card, spray, and gun buddy as a bonus. The individual item pricing is as follows:

  • Any skin - 2,175 VP
  • Knife - 4,350 VP
  • Player card - 375 VP
  • Spray - 325 VP
  • Gun Buddy - 475 VP

Release Date

The bundle's release is scheduled for the start of the second act of the seventh season, specifically on August 29th. It's likely the set will be available in the store for two weeks following this date.

All Items in the New Battle Pass for Act 2 of V25
All Items in the New Battle Pass for Act 2 of V25   

Interesting Fact

The original "Imperium" concept was conceived nearly 5 years ago and was one of our earliest prototypes (appearing in the beta version), so we crafted four magnificent dragon kings to pay homage to it!
Preeti Khanolkar

This intriguing piece of information was shared by Preeti Khanolkar, the lead producer of cosmetic content in Valorant.

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