13:29, 31.07.2023

Today, Jonas "AverageJonas" Navarsete, content creator and streamer of Team Liquid organization, posted on his Twitter account about a bug he encountered during his match. While playing as Deadlock, Jonas dealt 900,150 damage to the enemy Omen and instantly killed him.
I deadlock ulted an omen that was ulting, he insta dies, spike dissapears and it counts as 900k damage :D
— AverageJonas 🇳🇴 (@Average_Jonas) July 31, 2023
The essence of the bug lies in the ultimate abilities of two heroes, Deadlock and Omen. During the match, Jonas as Deadlock used his ultimate on enemy Omen, who was trying to teleport to another point on the map using his ultimate. As a result, Omen instantly died, receiving a huge amount of damage, and the spike he was carrying disappeared from the map. Pay attention to the right side of the screen, where the amount of damage dealt is displayed.
Thanks to this bug, Jonas scored an incredible number of post-match points and became the MVP of the match. Although it is difficult to abuse this bug for rating purposes because many circumstances must come together: there must be an Omen on the opposing team, and the hardest part is that you need to catch the timing of his teleport. But still, if you succeed, you are guaranteed to get the MVP of the match.

In the comments, readers noted that such a bug has existed for a long time and began to share their results of encounters with Deadlock.

We remind you that Deadlock is a new hero, all mechanics and bugs related to her are still not fully understood, so we will most likely see more such strange situations in the future. To not miss interesting bugs and bizarre situations, you need to follow our portal.
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