The skins likely to be included in the Give Back 2024 bundle have been revealed
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  • 07:19, 08.04.2024

The skins likely to be included in the Give Back 2024 bundle have been revealed

The voting for the annual Give Back bundle, which includes a selection of various skins, will conclude shortly, but even now, the main favorites are already known. Renowned dataminer KINGDOM LABORATORIES has collected the skins that will be included in the Give Back 2024 set and has shown what it will look like in the Valorant store.

It is a reminder that the Give Back is an annual bundle, the content of which is filled by Valorant players themselves. The game developers conduct a voting in their official social networks, offering several options of old skins. The most popular ones eventually make it into the bundle, which later appears in the game.


Although there are still 9 hours left until the end of the voting, the main favorites have already been determined. The following skins are most likely to be in the bundle: Ion Sheriff, Oni Phantom, as well as two skins from the Reaver set, for Operator and Spectre. Interestingly, there is no information about the price of the bundle yet, but the dataminer has set his own price at 6,387VP.

We will be waiting for the voting to conclude, as well as for official information from Riot about the price, release date, and more. Continue to follow our portal to find out which skins will be included in the Give Back 2024 set.

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