The FENNEL team released a statement regarding inappropriate comments made by streamer mittiii
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  • 06:37, 01.07.2024

The FENNEL team released a statement regarding inappropriate comments made by streamer mittiii

On June 28, the Japanese esports team FENNEL issued an official statement about inappropriate remarks made by their streamer mittiii towards a player from another team during a live broadcast.

In the statement, the team emphasized that such remarks are against their principles and values and are unacceptable. Mittiii received a strict reprimand, and behavior standards were reviewed to prevent similar incidents in the future. It was also reported that the incident has been discussed with the other party and an agreement has been reached.

The incident allegedly occurred during the ongoing national tournament VCJ 2024 Split 2, when mittiii made discriminatory remarks towards player tixx from team SCARZ.

Mittiii apologized for his words on the social network X, admitting his fault and promising to work harder on his views on esports. He also mentioned that he is negotiating with Riot Games and promised to inform about the results as they are achieved.

Mittiii, who has 267,000 followers on Twitch and 148,000 on YouTube, became a streamer for the FENNEL team in May 2022 after a professional career with DetonatioN Gaming and FENNEL.

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