Rumors: New Valorant collection to be inspired by League of Legends' Star Guardian universe

Rumors: New Valorant collection to be inspired by League of Legends' Star Guardian universe

According to rumors circulating online, one of the upcoming collections in Valorant will be inspired by the Star Guardian universe from League of Legends.

Rumors suggest that Riot Games is preparing a new collection for Valorant fans, connected to their other game, League of Legends. Insiders report that the next collection in Valorant will draw inspiration from the Star Guardian universe and will include some unique elements.

The new collection will be themed around Star Guardian and will feature four different color schemes. It will not include various types of melee weapons, and the price is expected to be over 8,700 Valorant Points. There is currently no information about the specific weapons in the set.

Star Guardian
Star Guardian

The release date is also unknown, however, insiders suggest that this collection might be the next to appear in the game. If not, the release is planned by the end of 2024 anyway.


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