Riot Games announces new tournament formats, support policies, and opportunities for inclusive teams

Riot Games announces new tournament formats, support policies, and opportunities for inclusive teams

Riot Games announces significant changes to Valorant with the announcement of new rules and initiatives from Riot Games, aiming for a radical shift in the ecosystem and the easing of barriers to participation in esports competitions.

One of the main directions of change will be the support for Game Changers players, who seek to succeed not only in this program but also in other parts of the VCT ecosystem. New rules will allow the best players from Game Changers to excel in challengers and international leagues and participate in the most prestigious tournaments.

Additionally, changes to the Premier system open up new opportunities for players, turning each Premier act into a step towards Challengers. This will enable Game Changers teams to have consistent chances of breaking into higher leagues without foregoing participation in their own tournaments.


Expanding on the theme of equal opportunities, Riot Games has also announced the introduction of new rules, easing restrictions and simplifying the transition between different levels of competition. These changes are aimed at removing barriers and encouraging player growth, regardless of their background and level of experience.

And finally, with the expansion to the fourth International league and the return of the Game Changers Championship to Berlin, Germany, Riot Games reaffirms its commitment to inclusivity and diversity in the world of esports. Increasing the number of teams participating in the tournament will provide more opportunities for players from around the world to showcase their talent and inspire new generations to participate in competitions.

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