Players and Streamers Express Discontent with the Latest Update in Valorant

Players and Streamers Express Discontent with the Latest Update in Valorant

The recent update in the game Valorant has sparked a wave of discontent among players and streamers. Riot Games released patch 8.11, which introduced balance changes to characters, including Neon, Iso, Reyna, Raze, and others. However, after significantly strengthening Iso, the community began actively discussing him.

Iso, now possessing a shield that blocks bullets with a double press, has sparked numerous comments from professional players and streamers. Some call him a "tank agent, not a duelist", while others say he "destroys many core aspects of the game".

Famous streamer ZoK3R noted that this change shows that the Valorant development team "either doesn't play the game or doesn't understand it". Some are also calling this patch "the worst in four years".

Despite numerous calls for balance on social media, specific proposals have yet to emerge. Reddit users are also expressing their dissatisfaction, calling Iso "stronger than Chamber in 2022".

Awaiting further announcements from the Valorant development team, the gaming community is eager to see how adjustments will be made to the game.

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