pANcada officially returns to LOUD
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  • 06:32, 13.06.2024

pANcada officially returns to LOUD

Top figures in the Brazilian region for LOUD had long hinted at additions to their Valorant roster, and last night they officially announced a new player. The player is the well-known esports athlete Bryan "pANcada" Luna, who has previously competed under the LOUD banner.

Although information about the player's return had been circulating online for some time, initially it was only at the level of rumors. Later, the Brazilian organization made an intriguing statement regarding the new player, with his nickname pANcada formed from the first letters of each sentence in this statement. A few days later, the team management officially welcomed Bryan back to the team.

Bryan "pANcada" Luna is a 24-year-old Brazilian player who played for LOUD from February 2022 to October 2022. During that period, the team had its best season, securing second place at VCT 2022: Stage 1 Masters - Reykjavík, and later becoming the champions at VALORANT Champions 2022. Afterward, pANcada moved to Sentinels, where he did not achieve significant international victories during his tenure.

After parting ways with one of their players, LOUD replenished their squad with an experienced participant, who knows the strategy and fits well into the team's rhythm. In just a week, the team will start competing in VCT 2024: Americas Stage 2, so we eagerly await the first matches to see the renewed lineup in action.

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