New rumors and leaks about the upcoming Valorant agent Clove

New rumors and leaks about the upcoming Valorant agent Clove

On the eve of the announcement of the new agent, new information emerges on the internet every day. Today, Riot Games published another teaser, while dataminers reveal the possible mechanics of his abilities.

With each passing day, the final of the VALORANT Champions Tour 2024: Masters Madrid, where the new agent will be presented, draws closer. In connection with this, insiders and official sources begin to publish more and more information about him.

This time, another official teaser appeared online, as well as video material demonstrating the possible future abilities of the new agent in action. However, it is worth noting that this material is most likely edited and based on rumors and information that leaks into the network, and is not an official confirmation that the agent will have such abilities upon release.

Remember, the official presentation of the new agent will take place during the show match before the final of the VALORANT Champions Tour 2024: Masters Madrid, specifically on March 24th. More details about this event were discussed in previous materials.

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