New game mode in Valorant
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  • 19:01, 30.10.2023

New game mode in Valorant

In the video dedicated to the upcoming Premier updates, a new game mode in Valorant was inadvertently showcased. Information about this mode surfaced over a year ago.

Riot Games published a video discussing upcoming changes to the Premier tournament mode. During this, other innovations that had not yet been officially announced were accidentally (or perhaps intentionally) shown, including a new game mode.

A tab for a new game mode titled "1v1" was spotted in the video. This mode was noticed over a year ago in other videos, but it has not yet been announced and has not appeared in the game. In addition to the new mode, Valorant fans can expect a "Party Code" system that will make it easier for players to group up into a party.


Key information from the video:

  • 1v1 game mode
  • Party Code system
  • Unlimited number of practice matches during the practice window
  • Reduction of the points needed to advance to the playoffs to 600

The innovations related to the Premier tournament mode will appear in the game along with the launch of the new season. As for the release date of other updates, the Valorant developers have not provided information.

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