13:52, 20.08.2023

The insider ValorLeaks continues to reveal information about the upcoming skin set in Valorant. After yesterday's announcement, he reported today on the types of weapons in the new set.
The new bundle will include. | #VALORANT
— VALORANT Leaks & News (@VALORANTLeaksEN) August 20, 2023
• Vandal
• Sheriff
• Judge
• Operator
• Melee (Similar to Blade of Sarket)
We would like to remind you that yesterday we talked about a new set that will be released in the 2nd act of the 7th episode. The new set will be dedicated to the "Water Dragon" theme and will be decorated in a dark green color scheme. You can read more about the announcement in our article.
Today ValorLeaks announced that the new skins will be for the Vandal, Sheriff, Judge, Operator, and Melee (close combat). It is worth noting that one of the skins will be for the Operator, and this is a celebration for the game community. Casual players and professionals have long been waiting for a new skin for the sniper rifle, and after the announcement of the set dedicated to the Valorant Champions 2023 World Championship, fans were even outraged because they expected a skin for the Operator.
There are also details about the new skin for the melee weapon. According to ValorLeaks, the new set's melee weapon will resemble the Blade of Sarket. This means we can expect some kind of twisted knife or a small scythe in dark green.

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