20:14, 26.04.2024

Player Linus "Limpe" Räty has announced his departure from the OnlyFins team, despite a successful outcome at the VALORANT Challengers 2024 Northern Europe: Polaris Split 1 tournament.
Limpe joined the team before the start of VALORANT Challengers 2024 Northern Europe: Polaris Split 1. With his help, OnlyFins achieved third place in the tournament, earning one thousand and 250 euros, 14 Mist Points, and a slot for the next split.
The OnlyFins lineup is as follows:
The second split is scheduled to start on May 16, so the team has little time to find a worthy replacement and integrate with them. Limpe has stated that he does not plan to end his professional career and is open to considering any proposals for a new team.
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