08:26, 27.03.2024

Yesterday, the CEO of the Ukrainian organization Natus Vincere - Yevhen "HarisPilton" Zolotarov, visited the podcast of the famous commentator Oleksiy "yXo" Maletsky. Among a variety of topics, the CEO of NaVi also discussed the organization's plans for Valorant and the development of the Ukrainian community.
Over two hours, HarisPilton talked about his life, as well as exciting matters for the organization, such as the club's main star Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyljev and other topics. However, he did not overlook another well-known shooter. As stated by Yevhen “HarisPilton” Zolotarov, for the organization, Valorant is a very important discipline, and the organization plans to develop the Ukrainian gaming community.
This information has already been confirmed by the latest team announcements. It is worth mentioning that recently, NaVi announced the start of an amateur series of tournaments for Ukrainians in Valorant. Everyone interested can participate, competing for a small but pleasant prize pool. Read more about it in our material.
For now, it is unknown what the organization plans for the future and what innovations they will bring to the Ukrainian Valorant scene. We will continue to follow the official social networks of the team to bring you interesting information about "NaVI."
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