CGN Esports wins the last slot at VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA: Participants, dates and more

CGN Esports wins the last slot at VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA: Participants, dates and more

The German team CGN Esports has won the last slot at VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA after winning the grand final of the Play-Ins stage. They became the tenth team to compete for a single slot in the VCT franchise league.

VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA Play-Ins was a crucial stage before the main tournament of the year on the tier-2 scene in the EMEA region. Nine teams that took the second place in their leagues competed for the last slot in the Ascension tournament. The main prize of the tournament is a slot in the VCT franchise league for the next year, which will significantly improve the team's position, including financially.

CGN Esports has won the grand final of the VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA Play-Ins over KPI Gaming with a score of 3:0, becoming the tenth participant of VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA. The other nine teams were determined during the regular leagues, each taking first place in their respective leagues. The full list of participants of VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA is as follows:

The launch of VCT 2024: Ascension EMEA is scheduled to start on August 31. Ten teams will start their journey with two groups of five each, and only the top two teams from each group will advance to the playoffs and continue to compete for a slot in the VCT league.

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